Tuesday, May 7, 2013


between cloudy and rainy.

I met with Mr. and Ms. Suzuki...went to Sushi!

From this pic, we forgot taking others because of the tasty sushi! lol

In osaka, kosupure BBQ is popular.
Look at these pictures,,, OMG! lol

Please have a funー!
I came to hotel.
However sleepy. Should I take a nup?
Am I able to wake?

Wow!Last night dinner picture!

Thanks Sawa to take this photo!


Tokkie is here?!lol

  1. 為末大さん「走る哲学」を語る

    • ユーザー名: SuiSui1993
    • 1 か月前
    •  177 回再生
    走る哲学」は、世界陸上銅メダリストであり、トラック競技における日本初のプロ陸上選手、為末大さんのツイートをまとめた電子 ...
    • HD
  2. 為末大「走る哲学」(電子書籍版)の使い方

    • ユーザー名: SuiSui1993
    • 1 か月前
    •  40 回再生
    • HD


I am interested in・・・

this book.

ジモモ ニューヨーク