Saturday, January 14, 2023

Importance of "ecstasy". Successful people are "like children" and they love themselves.

ETSU "ecstasy" is important!  

Kacchan Tanaka

So good〜〜〜


Successful people are like children. 

They love themselves. 

They live in their own ecstasy. 


Online community "UP&UP" for 777 yen for a month


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From MIHIRO MATSUDA's mail magazine〜〜〜〜




"How many times a day do you think people ask themselves a question?"

(A day is 1440 minutes.)

The answer is said to be 
35,000 times. 

(Results from Cambridge university study)


There are 

1] Good questions (magic questions) 


2] Bad questions

What kind of question is a bad question?

Bad questions are questions that, 

when answered, 

cause bad things to happen. lol



I received a precious message. 

Thank you!


I'm glad to hear you find beauty in everything!


The journey seems to continue!

Thank you Koto-chan! 

More than anything else,

rejoice greatly 

in the little things. 


Then, big things come true easily〜!





Baseball, I'm looking forward to it!


There is a baseball team in England〜〜〜

西武・山川、WBC内定 世界で一発どすこい侍!18年日米野球以来5年ぶり代表復帰「打ちまくりたい」 - LINE NEWS西武の山川穂高内野手(31)が3月のWBCに臨む侍ジャパンの最終メンバーに内定したことが13日、分かった。「栗山監督から電話を頂き“はい、行きます”と伝えました」と明かした。18年日米野球リンク


Seibu's Yamakawa confirmed for WBC

Seibu Yamakawa returns to the national team for the first time in five years since the 2006 Japan-U.S. Baseball Championship.

【WBC2023】侍ジャパン野球日本代表 出場表明選手一覧|第5回出場国メンバーリスト | ベースボールチャンネル「ワールド・ベースボール・クラシック(WBC)2023」が2023年3月8日から行われる。栗山英樹監督率いる野球日本代表「侍ジャパン」は、3大会ぶりの世界一を狙う。開催に先立ち、出場国の代表メンバーが続々と決定している。ここでは、日本代表入り内定が報道された選手をまとめた。(※情報は随時更新)リンク


I had a meeting with takumen partners. 

Thank you!


In May, "takusando" will open!!!

I'm looking forward to it!

Delicious cutlet sandwiches available to New Yorkers!! 

We will even bake the bread too! 

Seems like "omakase" is all the rage in New York!


From the Christmas party in 2022.


↓↓↓Katori-kun's book will be published soon↓↓↓


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s