Friday, March 31, 2023

How will AI magnify joy? / Nakatsu Seminar in Oita



Goodbye Tiny Me LINE stamps

Please send me a photo of it〜〜

If I could get a photo of you + the book+ the store you bought it (even better) 

↓↓↓Please send it to this open chat


Book Support Ambassadors


Thank you everyone who came to the office today! 

Some of my art went on a new journey〜

I sent it to Yokohama!


For the OHANA charity art festival Vol.3 

~Dreams and Experiences for Children~



98 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 231-0023, Japan  

GS Heim Yamashita-cho 2F

TEL 045-264-8396

Minatomirai Line Motomachi Chukagai Station, Exit 2 or 3, 3 min.

10 minutes from Ishikawacho Station on the Keihin-Tohoku Line

Today was a day for recording!


With the ritual song by Koto・・・



Ladies and gentlemen,

Thank you very much!


We achieved 110,000 followers

We're at 117,000 already〜


TIKTOK is at 109,800...

Almost 110,000〜〜〜


Open chat for those who want to seriously learn about creating short videos 


OPEN CHAT  "BUZZLABO SNS (Takumi Yamazaki✖️Yoshiken)」


You can watch the IG live here



AI can scale content!

How can we scale joy?


What do we mean by "to scale?"

It's a business term that means to expand the scale of a thing or project.


For example.

AI can improve the quality of a painting = a great painting.

How can it magnify the joy of it?! 


I am more impressed by my daughter's drawings

than a picture drawn by a computer.


There are still many issues to be addressed in the future~!




Victory party

Darvish, who led his team to the WBC championship, and Seiya Suzuki

A two shot of Darvish and Seiya Suzuki




We have a seminar in Nakatsu in Oita!




\\Takumi Yamazaki, Dream Fulfillment Producer//


Lecture "Menmaji" in Nakatsu


Mr. Takumi Yamazaki advocates "Menmaji", which stands for "Mental Management" and refers to the ability to take action and make decisions to find what you really want, what you want to do, and what is really important in your life, and to have a positive mindset to realize them.


Follow this "menmaji" mindset,

it is believed that by finding and practicing ways to realize one's own desired dreams, one can enrich one's own life and the lives of those around him or her.


You can hear Mr. Takumi Yamazaki's "Menmaji" here in Nakatsu.

This is a rare and precious opportunity for you to hear Takumi Yamazaki's "Menmaji" here in Nakatsu,

Don't miss this chance♡♡


● April 12●

Nakatsu City Education and Welfare Center

Multipurpose hall



advance sale 2000yen

2500 yen at the door


⭐︎Apply here⭐︎


Let's meet in Nagoya〜〜

Had a great time at the reflection meeting〜〜〜!



Briefing session for Management development program



Thank you


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 


Thursday, March 30, 2023

"Goodbye, My Tiny Self" Book, LINE stamps now released!


My latest book and LINE stamps just dropped!!!



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 


Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Video of the recent movie filming! Reached 100 thousand followers on Tiktok and Instagram too?!


I received a video of the filming of the new movie〜!



Movie: The indelible promise Filming shots on 0325

 映画 消せない約束 撮影風景0325





Sorry I dropped out partway due to a fever!

About 300 people were watching. 

Thank you so much


↓↓↓I received a notes below↓↓↓

 from Takumi and Mariko's Instagram life on 3/28 from 10:00am.



Emotions are your friend 


Emotions are physical reactions 

Dig deeper into emotions

Dig deeper into your belief systems 


Feel the emotion, put it into words

I am ________ Sad, frustrated, angry 

When I get angry about these things, I know why

Dig deep and feel the reason

You will come to a point where you will find love was there. 

If you try to dig deep in your head, 

even though your mind will say its thankful, 

it's judging the feelings. 

So you need to feel the sensations of gratitude, 

from the bottom of your heart. 


Bad feelings.

For example, a toothache. 

I don't like the pain, I don't like the feeling of dislike 


I have to study for a test.

I hate doing things I'm not good at.

I hate the chaos of time... It feels like a negative loop


Corona, even if I don't get it, 

I look into the future and feel anxious.  

The world inside you. 

We were taught not to talk badly about others.....

so then say it when you are alone. 

(if you say it in front of others it will cause secondary damage, lol) 

Because it will stay in your stomach. 

And when you actually say it out loud, 

you start to feel emotions that you never thought you would feel.

Don't pretend it didn't happen, just let it out. 

It is merely a refracted form of love, and love is at the root of it







I reached 100,000 followers on TikTok!


When you feel irritated it just might be where you talents lie?! 

This video has been viewed 2.2 million times〜〜〜

Instagram will also reach 100 thousand followers soon too! 

Thank you so much! 



It was delicious〜〜〜


Takamatsu was fun too〜〜〜

Thank you NAMI-chan〜〜〜






The Winny incident

Don't think that if Winny...

Think of what a genius existed at that time


He is 42 years old.

Isamu Kaneko, a genius.




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 


Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Sell the experiences! Primal Impact!

High performing products are quickly imitated.


Therefore, they took the direction of showing 

the story that accompanies the product

and the process of making the product.



Now, both the story and the process

have overflowed everywhere. 


What's the next step?!


Something much 

much more 



Something with much more impact. 


I interpret it as "selling the experiences".


Listening to great music.

It's a wonderful experience.

But when you get up front and sing along?


That's much more thrilling〜


If it's a seminar

Share with the person next to you!


Sell the experience!

Impact on a primal level! 


That's what I want to deliver〜!



Please answer the following four questions~.

What is your favorite thing to do?!

What are you good at?!

What can you earn money doing?!

What does the world need?!




"Passion" is where 

what you like 

and what you do overlap. 

"Specialty" is where 

what you are good at 

and what you can earn money with overlaps. 


Your "calling" is the overlap of 

what the world needs 

and what you can earn money doing. 


"Mission" is in 

what the world needs


what you love




They say 

 "IKIGAI" is 





and Mission all overlap〜〜


We got to 96,000  followers on Instagram now. 

100,000 is right in front of us.


100,000 was too much of a dream number 

so I want to celebrate and have a party to give back in gratitude for this achievement!






Those interested in a seminar to learn about how to use 


I'll share it so please subscribe to my official LINE account


山﨑拓巳 | LINE Official Account山﨑拓巳's LINE official account profile page. Add them as a friend for the latest news.リンク


Takumi Yamazaki Official LINE

See you there!




I also started a new tiktok account



I received a really great story from my friends' newsletter so I'm going to share it here〜〜〜



For today's heart antenna📡, please think about "gentle consideration🍀" and try to increase your hearts reception sensitivity. 🙏.


❇️I would like to share with you a story I encountered one time when I went to a hospital and the female nurse of that hospital was "really attentive and kind 💞". 🙏🍀


It seemed that it was the day of the medical checkup, and several people were checking in, saying "I have an appointment for a medical checkup today...".

Then, an old man came in....

The following is a conversation between the old man and the reception nurse. 🙏

"Um, I'm here for a checkup today."

"Please give me your appointment paper."

"Appointment paper❓️"

"Didn't you get this when you signed up for your physical? ❓️"

"Well, let me see if you have an appointment today. ...Your name is ❓️."

 The nurse checks the names of today's appointments on the computer after hearing the name from the grandfather. However, the grandfather's name was not among them. The nurse looks up his name on the computer.

The nurse says, "I can't seem to find your name in the list of people scheduled to receive care today."

"What? It's supposed to be today..."

"Well, I'll ask the person in charge if they can fit you in today." 

The nurse, instead of trying to send the grandpa home, made an extension phone call. 

 I was so impressed with her kindness.🙏

 But what I thought was "wonderful" was what the nurse said to the person who answered the extension call after that. I was so impressed with the way she handled the call 😊.

 The nurse said

"Mr. XX has come to the receptionist to change the date of his checkup to today. Is that okay❓️"


 It is really simple👍.

 The point is, if you can change the appointment date of an old man who came to the hospital on the wrong day to today, that would be OK, wouldn't it? 🍀.

 To do that, it's okay to change the story a tiny bit. There is no need to explain everything from beginning to end. 🤓

If she had said, 

"Mr. XXX came to the reception desk and said he is scheduled to see the doctor today, but he seems to have forgotten his appointment list... . So I checked and found that her name is not on the list of people scheduled for today's checkup. I think he made a mistake, but what should I do?"

and told the whole story in a loud voice, the grandpa would also likely feel bad🙏

And he would probably be concerned about the eyes of other patients waiting for their turn in the waiting room. 😥😥The nurse was quick to take this into consideration and omitted the details of the incident. 👍🍀

And for the person who received the extension, such a "brief but to the point" explanation is helpful to avoid having to listen to a long and tedious story at a busy time.


The nurse did what was best for both the old man and the person on the other end of the call, she was kind and wonderful. 👍🍀

 The nurse then smiled and said to the old man, "There are not many patients today, so it will be fine. Please wait here 👍👍

 It was a happy, happy day.

To stand in the other person's shoes,

To understand the other person's mind,

and to read what's in their heart. 


Japanese people have lived their lives by valuing these three qualities.


I was so happy to see that this nurse has inherited the heart of the Japanese people from generation to generation.💞



Uehara Udon from morning @Takamatsu

It's delicious isn't it〜〜〜

It it something to drink?!

We then moved by car to Matsuyama!

The cherry blossoms were blooming all over the place there!

At the cloud museum on top of the hill

We all composed haiku together〜〜

At the back stage of the seminar these snacks arrived


Have you heard of it?!

Thank you!

We've been together two days in a row〜〜〜



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s