Monday, September 26, 2022

You can't be a genius, but you can be great! Set your aspirations! Having it is free. The moment you set your sights on it →your aura changes!

Yesterday in Kyoto・・・




Michael Roach 




He mastered Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism

He had great success in business in NYC 

and teaches Buddhist teachings!




Use profits to protect Buddhist scriptures




Is currently (in preparation) establishing a university in Kyoto that teaches various things extracted from the sutras that can be used for business. 




Mr. Arikawa was the guest lecturer.



The 21st century is the pursuit of beauty.

At the cost of humanity's existence.


The emotion of beauty

As I collected it, it moved the world. 


If we lose beauty, the world will go to ruin. 




I am a snob with a mission.

says Mr. Arikawa!


We are currently in a crisis 

War is tough too, 

but the environmental problems are even more serious. 

We are on the verge of losing beauty.


But in crisis there is also an opportunity!

The possibility for humanity to be renewed. 

Beauty is no longer a decoration.

We need to relearn beauty.


The earth has already lost its capacity to accept human greed.


Plato said

"All men are in search of happiness"

University =the kanji means to learn big.

It is a place to learn the truth.

and also

a place to learn how to attain truth.




These days

Instead of MBAs

they are sending the heads of companies to art school.


Beauty is goes beyond words

dogma (religious dogma).

It transcends language

It transcends race.



Learn to be inspired, and moved 

in love

in romance

To people

To nature

To life


Don't miss it!


Happiness = the kanji is big sheep 

I offer my sheep to God

God says, your hearts are beautiful

It is in God's heart




Life, Universe, God 


Maitreya Bodhisattva

New Reiho-den, Koryu-ji Temple




Elegance is

to be considerate of others




Human Values 

・To refine the quality of life to the last breath of life.

・To be of some small benefit to all beings around us.


Growth and contribution




Tea Ceremony


Complete Kata (the style)→Complete Heart


Peace of mind


There is no self

There are only the customers



cause, effect, and result

Mind, action, result

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ 

Buddhist    Choice


   This moment


If there is anything that can save the world

It's beauty.




I feel I don't have much time. How can I make time for beauty


You don't have to see all the beautiful things.

See one ultimate thing!


Lower intermediate level is not good enough


Mr. Arikawa]

I work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

I sleep when I'm sleepy

When I'm tired, I rest


I bring beauty to the world.

Jewelry is a prayer


How to enjoy museums:

If you could take just one piece home with you today, which one would it be?!


How to develop an eye for beauty


・See the good. See only what is genuine. 

・Trust your sensitivity and intuition.  Set the standard on how your heart feels the vibration. 

・Set high aspirations. 

 The moment you set your ambition high, your talent will grow and your capacity will expand. 

  Having high aspirations is free! 


Meet a collector with 50 times the distribution volume

I tell him, my aspiration is No.1 in the world.

Later, there is a family feud and the sales go to me.

Now I am No. 1 in the world in jewelry.


Human happiness is

in the process, not in the achievement.


Don't think in terms of now, but

Think through your vision


Life has no age.

The essence of art is the behavior of life

Something happens when life and life touch each other

The love that Einstein gave me for my children




I have no money

But I have trust credit.


People say, "He's a fool. He's crazy" 

Because I buy at a high price.

So, good things come to me.


When you have a mission.

The world will cheer you on!


Gandhi said, 

"You can't be a genius, 

but you can be great."


Expect to be the best in the world

You'll be the best in the world


I met Geshe Michael Roach 

It was a time of stimulating my intellectual curiosity. 

To everyone who joined, it was wonderful wasn't it〜

Arikawa-san's talk spoke to our hearts. 

Thank you so much! 

Atsuko Nakasone, President of the "Picture Book Future Creation Organization"

Thank you!
I'm very grateful and impressed to sit next to you. 

Sorry for being so restless and eating granola (my favorite) next to you ~!


Mr. Takushi Okuno is under fire from a flood of criticism for throwing the bouquet of flowers to Mayweather. 

メイウェザーへの花束投げ捨てで炎上 批判殺到の奥野卓志氏とは(デイリースポーツ)「ごぼうの党」の奥野卓志氏が25日、「超RIZIN/RIZIN.38」でのフロイド・メイウェザー(45)VS朝倉未来(30)戦の試合前に、花束贈呈役として登場。目の前で花束を手渡リンク

I feel it's a loss for 



Mr. Okuno. Mayweather's reputation went up, and his went down・・・ people know who Takushi Okuno is...



Who is this person?!





No longer "Hikikomori" but "komoribito" (shut-in) 

City to enact ordinance for its own designation

「ひきこもり」でなく「こもりびと」 独自呼称の市が条例を制定へ(朝日新聞デジタル)「ひきこもり」ではなく「こもりびと」――そう独自の呼称をつけ、ひきこもり状態の人を支援している神奈川県大和市が、市民の理解を深め、当事者やその家族が孤立しないよう施策を推進する「リンク


The "difficulty of living" that abounds in society: the light and shadow that the word brings.

社会にあふれる「生きづらさ」 その言葉がもたらす光と影:朝日新聞デジタル 「生きづらさ」という言葉が、世の中にあふれています。さまざまなしんどさを「生きづらさ」という言葉で表現するようになった背景には何があり、どんな功罪があるのでしょうか。発達障害の当事者や、社会や教育の…リンク


1 in 76 people are socially withdrawn 

Edogawa Ward conducted its own survey of the working-age population.

76人に1人がひきこもり 働き盛りの世代にも 江戸川区が独自調査:朝日新聞デジタル 住民の少なくとも76人に1人がひきこもり状態で、30~50代の働き盛り世代に多い――。人口約70万人の東京都江戸川区が区民を調べると、そんな実態が浮かび上がった。自治体の大規模調査は珍しく、区は「当…リンク





"Cherish especially that which cannot be undone. Cherish time and life because they are irrevocable. Do not waste people's time on personal matters. Do not waste your own time."
People are always happy when someone is kind to them.
Is "Ohigan Soba" in style?!
Raise the sensitivity of your mind's antenna. 
Think about the "fire of life" and try to imagine it.
and try to imagine it.
Forwarded to me by a friend.
I clipped out a nice article from a newsletter forwarded by a friend....

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s