Thursday, September 8, 2022

The only way to stop "collecting negative evidence" is to realize that's what you're doing.


Yesterday, I had my brain defragmented.

Thank you, YUKI.

I want everyone at  Seven Pockets to know about this! 


7ポケット | Facebook7つの収入源を持とう! そんな未来型人間、あなたをサポートします。 7つのコミュニティ 7つの情報源 7つの収入源 7つの人脈 精神衛生的にも 経済的にも 人間関係的にも 成長と貢献の場を 一緒に作っていきませんか〜〜〜. リンク





Seeds are sown unconsciously


We begin to gather negative evidence. 



Mother did not love me




Gathering evidence




You were picked up under a bridge.→I knew it.

You were scolded → I knew it! 


As we grow up and get involved with more people


Women say nasty things to you → I knew it



We hold those things as values, 

and it becomes our identity. 




From there

we make behavioral choices






Realize those patterns 


Accept it 


Stop it=Rewrite it




If you leave it be, it grows like a snowball effect. 





If it's a full circle it's okay. 


But we get concerned if the circle is disconnected somewhere 

An open loop

The brain goes round and round →the brain gets tired

It's a state of the CPU always running


It's a state of continually searching for 

answers to questions with no answer


Defragment it


Restore the brain to a healthy state 


When you solve a problem in your conscious mind

If the roots remain in the unconscious

the problem recurs. 


In the subconscious, 

there are issues from 

your previous life, 

past lives, 

genetic aspects 

and even things that exist from when you were in utero. 

From the timeline 

Go from now back to the origin

to the roots, the seed


By gaining learning, 

you can change into another seed.











The problem cannot be solved 

from a subjective point of view 

If you can look at it objectively, 

it becomes solvable 


You need to raise you perspective 




Anger →when released becomes "confidence"

Sadness →when released becomes "love"

Anger →when released becomes "courage"

Regret →when released becomes "wisdom"

Fear →when released becomes "hope"

Limited thinking→when released becomes "determination"


When you gain the learning, you can become your "true self" 



When you are in contact with problems

those problems become larger. 


But, go parasailing from there

by creating a distance

it becomes no longer a problem. 



What is Anxiety?

It is the brakes for your brain. 

A safety Device



Sometimes it can be caused 

by a malfunction. 




The future

You can do anything

You are allowed to do anything. 

The potential is infinite. 




Write down the values you hold dear. 

Example: Growth, contribution, experience, discovery...


From the perspective of your future self

Sort 11 of them. 







Giving light






A gentle heart

A strong heart


Reunite with your true self


You can't give advice

 if you're on the same wavelength 

as the person who has the problem.


Raise your perspective

See yourself with the problem




Go down the stairs

One, two, three, four, five, six




Why are you here right now? 

What do you want to gain today? 

How will you know that

you gained what you wanted to today? 



The wheel of wellness

『【ブログ新シリーズ:成功と達成の心理学】』【ブログ新シリーズ:成功と達成の心理学】   ポジティブ心理学という、正にフォーカスを当てた心理学の研究が行われ始めたのが1954年。 現在までに分かってい…リンク



Instruction manual for one's brain


Fish don't know they're in the water

Humans are unaware they are in the air


The way we see and perceive life


When we change our assumptios 

the world changes. 




Cause and Effect 

Thinking that everything is caused by something outside yourself 

Thinking that the cause of everything is inside of you 











The physical body



Responsibility for Change


It's up to you to change.

Others won't 



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s