Ivana Chubbuck's message
Techniques of a winner/survivor
Yesterday I heard about it from Shiraishi-san and Sally
Ivanna's uncompromising level of commitment
Teacher and actor
Teacher should have authority over the student
If you're going to grow,
I don't care if you dislike me
Tough love!!!
No in-between.
Want to leave a legacy
I will leave my children and all of you...
Use your trauma to break down your "never"
Break down your mindsets of "I am 〇〇"
There is no I can't or I don't understand !!!
We are scared because we don't know.
Show courage
Achieving your true purpose
You left yourself that time too
Are you okay repeating that pattern over and over?
Why did you want to do it in the first place?!
Obstacles are for overcoming
Can't do it
When you're letting all your emotions run out
Time stops
If you're going to continue that, go ahead!!
If you want to overcome,
what is your vision?!
People who don't move spontaneously are no good
Live your own life
Stop running away
You solve the
unsolved problems in the character!
There's so much exhilaration in that!!!
The walls are there for you to overcome
Take your emotions out from the chaos
Emotional diary
I must succeed for you because ・・・
....then leave it to your automatic writing!
Your subconscious voice will show up!
Thank you!
Mr. Ita information↓↓↓
🌏Future Information🌏
Lovers from today
#lovers #partner
#meeting #matching
#concierge #onlinedating
Lovers from today matching system
7 concierge's will judge based on a comprehensive score of 100, based on
age, annual income, height, looks, school attended, company name, profession.
Matches will be made based on the average points of the highest and lowest score.
Wow! What a service!!!
It's becoming normalized for the youth now to meet through online apps.
Now it seems you can even find lovers from today.
There are chances everywhere.
🌏Interesting website🌏
Day off Hacks
#dayoff #killingtime
#unkownarena #planning
#stopthinking #extratime
Day off Hack will plan your day off!
It provides "unknown experiences" you wouldn't think of on your own!
Leave the planning/researching and reserving to Day Off Hack.
You can't search what you don't know! So this could be a big chance to find out something new?
Perhaps this is a service for people who don't have anything in particular they want to do, but want to kill time??
It seems it's still limited to Tokyo, and the activities will cost money, but the planning and reserving is apparently free.
In the end, life is about how you kill time.
Want to make it meaningful.
Meaningful means different things to different people.
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s