Wednesday, November 4, 2020

When we understand our current situation, reality begins to move!

Apparel store in Kakogawa〜〜〜♪


Beauty club is launching soon!!!

Yesterday's meeting・・・

When we understand our current situation, reality begins to move! 

Grateful to all my team in each region!

Thank you!



Information from Mr. Ita↓↓↓


🌏Future Information🌏

New supermarket in Sweden prices goods based on carbon emissions


💁Keywords of the article💁

#carbonfootprint #climatechanges

#sweden #climatestore #newefforts




Felix, a major food brands in Sweden launched a new supermarket where goods are priced based on its carbon emissions. 

For example, foods that are produced farther away and transported farther are priced higher.  Animal-derived foods are often known to have a larger effect on the environment than plant-based foods in its production process, so those foods will also be priced higher. 

This store, named "climate store" uses its own original currency called “CO2e”. 

The prices of the foods are displayed as the foods carbon footprint (kg) =CO2e, and shoppers there aims to shop within the budget of 18.9 CO2e per week. 

This novel mechanism matches the measuring stick of the costs paid by the consumers (money) and the costs paid by the earth (environmental load). Highlighting Felix’s passion for this new concept store, Thomas Sjöberg, marketing manager at Felix, said: “It will be exciting to see how customers react to trading with the CO2e currency and see if they manage to stay within their weekly budget. I think it will be an eye opener for many, to see how certain choices affect what you can afford to get in the same lunch bag.”


Along with the efforts of this climate store, the same company also plans to create a new sticker/mark to display on the package for products that have a carbon footprint less than a certain standard.




This is extremely interesting!

I feel like I've been hearing the phrases carbon footprint, and carbon free alot lately. For those who are conscious of the environment, having such an indicator makes it easier to take action. 

It may become increasingly important these next 10 years, whether we can promote such actions that are also good for the environment!?






🌏Future Information🌏

Prime Minister Suga expresses policy of climate change gas emissions reaching essentially zero by 2050


💁Keywords of this article💁

#Globalwarminggas #essentiallyzero #2050

#carbonrecycle #greeninvestment


39 years old♡Thanksgiving party〜



Today we will learn from Coach Ikeda〜〜〜



■ Being concrete about "growth output" 

The basic mechanism of the heart is 

"Humans cannot experience what they cannot define" 

This is the reason why many people say "I want to grow" 

but "don't feel their growth." 

In other words, they haven't defined what "growth" is for them. 

What I mean by "define" is "your own rules." 

What rules do you have around "If I do ○○ its growth" ?

In the over 10 years of teaching seminars 

I've had hundreds of people tell me "I don't feel like I've grown" 

Among them are people whose daily lives had continued to change, 

or their field of activity has changed, or  have been promoted in their company, 

and are actually changing alot. 

Even so, they say they don't feel like they've grown. 

So I ask them, 

"What needs to happen for you to feel like you've grown?" 

None of them could answer this question specifically. 

Most say, 

"Once I can do the things I couldn't before" 

or "When I change" 

and the answers are very vague. This is why they cannot "feel growth" 


those who have "defined specific outputs" such as....

"When I can iron my shirt, its growth"

"When someone remembers my name at sales its growth" 

"When I can give the presentation without looking at the script its its growth" 

"If I can create next week's schedule and reflect on the week each weekend its growth" 

These people are  able to feel growth. 

It's defining the outputs each step of the way of "what growth looks like" 

as you head towards the person you want to be and the lifestyle you want. 

Realizing that you are moving towards the  the future you want.

International Coach Anthony Robbins said 

「Progress = happiness」

This means, 

The key to happiness is evolving. 

Growth can happen in many settings in life. 

Your daily life, your health, work, human relationships, how you spend your time, money, emotions, learning etc. 

Those who are defining "becoming able to do such and such" and are acting, 

are very energetic and feel fulfillment. 

Wherever you are, whatever you do, 

your age or position does not matter. 

It's those who are headed towards "becoming able to do such and such" that are growing. 

There are two more months left to 2020. 

What are the specific things you want to be able to do within this year? 

If you clarify that, you will also be on the path to growth

I hope you can find hints to life for you here. 




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s