Saturday, November 7, 2020

Wonderful energy that widens the soul's range of motion

I met Masaaki Hirai. 

I hadn't met him in a while. 

Wow. I have no words 

His energy was wonderful 

it widens the souls range of motion !!!

He has a universal sense, 

is a genius with a unique world view and he's  also so warm!!! 

Thank you so much! 

Next time I plan to get a recording with him at himalaya (audio app) 

so that I can share our conversation with all of you too!

Our conversation expanded from the Snufkin that Hirai-san had 

on his chest ・・・

"Was Snufkin actually Japanese?!" 

Genuis professor Tadashi Goino knew?! 








In Russia and Armenia he was called《The God of Japan》going to far to be said that we will return the 4 northern islands if it's to him. He was a giant of knowledge science and art  and cuts in two the materialistic thoughts, views of life and lies and falsities of science that  humans have believed until now. 

◎What Edward Snowden actually wanted to expose was that there are "life forms more intelligent that human kind" in the underground world?! 
◎ These underground life forms are the Aria that created the oldest known civilization, Mesopotamia! (Rulers of the Sumerian Kingdom!)  
◎ The natural medicine developed by Goino saved President Yeltsin  (He had state guest treatment in Russia) 
◎ Goino's art was so wonderful that a exhibition was even hosted at the Hermitage Art Museum 
◎ At 18 he was designing a UFO that flies with magnetic force
◎The book "ICHINEN SANZEN THEORY" that he wrote when he was in his 20's clarified the foundation of not only Buddhism but many other religions (Brahmanism from the Aria)   
◎ It would be better that Newton and Eistein didn't exist with their theories full of holes! That way research and use of magnetic force and faster than light communication would have been much more advanced. 
◎ Newton became Secretary of the Mint making fake money, and had a seat of power in the field of science 
◎If Newton's Law of Gravity is denied, Einstein's E=mc2 also disappears  
◎  If instead of God and Buddha, one could create a religion of money and rule that religion, then they could control people's lives without moral viewpoints. 
◎The ruler is the one that issues/manages the currency, and historically that would have been the Rothschild family of the Ashkenazi Jews 

Who was this professor, Tadashi Goino?…
◎ He studied language in Stockholm university in Sweden in his teens 
◎ Pioneered separating garbage and recycling 
◎ Pioneered collecting empty cans, and banning discarding cigarette butts
◎  Pioneer of Furusato Village and Recycling oriented living 
◎ Pioneer of the spiritual boom (Best seller book "Messenger from the 7th Dimension"

◎ Authored 『Lotus Sutra Three-part system』based on the Lotus Sutra Classics 
◎Internationally is acclaimed as someone who surpassed Leonardo Da Vinci  
◎Was friends with multiple academy members, famous professions, ambassadors and leaders worldwide 




Today we will learn from Mr. Mochizuki's mail magazine〜〜〜〜♪


Positive emotions show us the "huge sky" 
Negative emotions show us the "ground" 

"Which do you think helps us more easily solve problems? 

When we feel positive or when we feel negative?" 




"Of course when we feel positive!" 



Of course you are right 




Positive feelings help us expand our perspectives, 
but it's not good for when we need to focus narrowly. 





Positive emotions as you can image are "restless" 

You can see things with a bigger vision, as if you are looking up to the expansive sky 

and you can see connections you didn't realize before. 

In that way, it's very useful for times of "creation". 

Negative emotions as you an imagine face "downward" 

It does make ones vision narrower, 

enabling one to focus on one thing without being distracted by surroundings. 

As if you are looking at your feet, 

it can help us to think realistically and judge our actions.   

Positive emotions help us to solve our problems 

with 【freedom】of foremost importance. 

But if you leave it all to that, 

a new problem arises. 

That is the negative emotion of "safety" first that tries to stop it. 

感情の配役が分かれば、幸せが訪れる。|望月俊孝 どん底からV字回復。速読&潜在能力開発。『魔法の宝地図』『癒しの手』等、著書34冊|noteこんにちは 「魔法の宝地図」著者の望月俊孝です。 1.ネガティブな感情は本当に不要? ちょっと質問です。 「ポジティブな気持ちでいるときと  ネガティブな気持ちでいるときで  どちらが問題を解決しやすいと思いますか?」 こんな声が聞こえてきそうですね。 「ポジティブな気持ちの時に  決まっているでしょう!」 もちろん正解です。 では、それ…リンク





Zoom meeting with everyone===♪


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s