Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Success is not something to chase Success is something you attract

My school run outfit, lol

The philosophy of『Pull』

They push philosophy was the mainstream until now. 
Predicting the needs 
Looking at people passively
Top down 

■The power to access 
Expanding your network of interests 
 Humans connections are limited to about 150 people. 
SNS can communicate in a way that expands past that→Making it unlimited 

Creating serendipity 
Heightening awareness 
Catching people's interest 
Put it off (Pique desire to know more)
Influence without contacting directly 

Entering the space of creation 

Success is not something to chase 
Success is something you attract 

Gandam Generation    Top down generation, following the 'should be' rules 
One Piece Generation   Sideways generation   Each person has a role  各 
It's about what you think about it ?!

Controlling money   Top down 
↓↓↓                     ↓↓↓
Freedom/Buddies     Bottom up

The story of the north wind and the sun 
Whether you make they feel from their side that they want to take off their coat 

How to meet such people 
Go find them  =PUSH
People have interest in you =PULL
Self-improvement, branding, have people say they want to see you, project planning 

Not persistent requests 
Have them ask you from their end and put it off a little 

Voice Change 

Encourage the person to want to participate of their own accord 


If you read The Power of PULL(John Hagel the 3rd, you'll find that a pull attitude rather than a push attitude is important for using social media properly. 

"The Pull theory" is a book that examines the paradigm shifts that occurred due to the spread of the internet . 

I had personally been talking about the importance of pull in social media in my own way, so I bought this book after seeing the title, and while its late, here is my books without a review memo made public. 

In this book, it examines that different values are born form the changes from push to pull, and the different paradigm shifts that come from the changes in infrastructure, the waves of knowledge flow and organizational innovation.

 In actuality, those who are good at using social media, are those who see it as a long-term investment to attract people to them, rather than through pushing a short -term message in order to acquire short term gains. As that has been my personal message, the different between push and pull that is written here in this book made extreme sense to me. 

I want to recommend this book to those who are having a hard time using social media due to values based on conventional organizations and ways of working. 

【Reading notes】

■The power of pull is the ability to attract to yourself the necessary resources and personnel that you need when you are in a bind or when an opportunity arises. 

■The power of push first starts with predicting the needs. And next, preparing so that the necessary personnel and resources can be acquired at the right timing, based on those foreseen needs. 

■Weak bonds are such that you hardly know much about the other person. 
Even so, through using the power of connection, you can particiapate in a "rich" world that you may not have had the chance to otherwise. 

■3 big waves of the shift from push to pull 
・First wave:Change in infrastructure 
・Second wave:Knowledge flow 
(The flow of new knowledge becomes more important than stocked knowledge)  
・Third wave:Organizational Innovation

■Steps of pull
・Access it:Having the ability to find it, the ability to look, the ability to connect
・Attract it:Techniques to draw to yourself the right people and resources
・Achieve it:

■Start with contributing to existing networks where the people you are targeting gather 

■If people realize that if they go to you, one can get unexpected knowledge or what they need, the people who are drawn to you will increase. 
  This technique is in fact already widely used by bloggers 

■The difference in the push and pull program
・The push program sees and treats all people as consumers. 
   Not only consumers, but consumers who consume according to the predictions of the large companies
・The pull platform sees all people as creators 
They exist to imagine and create something in response to unexpected needs.

■A creative space is a space where all participations collaborate in a creative way. And during the process of collaboration, long-term relationships of trust are also born. 

■Individuals have gained power that has never been gained before. Through creating new value through creation, they are in a position where they can change large organizations and even change society at large

■What is important is not the method of how to select valuable information out of the flood of information. 
  What is important in the generation to come is those who have not only information, but to connect with those who have "knowledge" and especially new knowledge that is still somewhat vague. 

■Determine the trajectory of change
 It is necessary to declare to the world the goal of what your new organization is aiming for and have them understand it. If you can present an attractive direction, and have passion, you will be able to attract talented individuals.  

■What the people at the top of the companies should do is to re-think things and look at their entire organization from the aspect of "talent development" . If you put talent development as the foremost priority, how would your strategy, tasks and organizational structure change? 

■"Once you have a mission, you can't got back to having a job" (Shai Agassi CEO of Better Place) 

■3 elements for a world changing strategy to succeed
・A world-changing vision
・A world-changing platform
・World changing actions and assets

■3 Qualities of world changers
・The ability to accurately know the abilities of a leader
・The ability to create their own unique niche
・Don't forget that they are always a learner 
