Sunday, July 26, 2020

90% of your life is decided by "the level of the people surrounding you" Happiness is contagious

90% of life is decided by "the level of the people surrounding you" 

This sentence spoke to me 

The most effective life hack to change your life ?!


● Happiness is contagious "to your friend and your friends friends" 
(This is what Chairman Ogawa was saying the other day !!!)

You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with 
Happiness is contagious →to your friend and your friends friends 
The productivity of a happy person goes up 『31%』

● Hang out with people with "similar aspirations" over people with "similar ways of thinking" 「
It's comfortable to be with people who think the same way as you. They will agree with you so you can feel secure, and they won't argue.
However, the opportunity for growth forces when you are faced with something you can't agree with 

● Does that person lift you up or the opposite? 
Increase the time you spend with people that challenge your way of thinking, encourage you to think bigger, or force you to consider different ways of thinking. 

Lifestyle habits that will increase your immune system 【Night version】 
Even small habits are valuable as you continue to do them daily 


☆Free Content
Takumi Yamazaki ☆The secret to motivation 


【Delivery schedule】
7/28  "Loving your parents" 
7/30  "Contribution" 
8/1     "What are your highest values?" 
8/3    "How to talk to get a sure YES" 
8/5   "Two sides of the same coin" 
8/7   "Judgement and Assessment" 
8/9   "EGO doesn't disappear" 
8/11  "Self-Affirmation" 
8/13  "How to improve your self-esteem" 
8/15  "New Perspectives"

Takuo Yazaki LINE stamp Collection 1

[Life with Chocolat and Takumi♪]

Takato Fukushima

Congratulations on the 50th book!!

I read it right away and chose content that I tried living,
for today's Fukushima select!!


Want to live a fun life, from this moment now
Want to stop negative thinking and enjoy feelings of excitement for even a second longer!

If you want to life such a life,
this book is an absolute must,
and is the 50th book published by Takumi Yamazaki

It's an interview with that well-known Bashar,
"There is nothing more important than this moment.
Here and now is the destination of life"


【There is nothing more important than this moment
Here and now is the destination of life 】(excerpted from p71)

"There are many people who show up in your life. 
There are even people who bring about things that you don't desire. 

But even those people, show up for the purpose of teaching you 
"what you want, and what you don't want" 

Even if something negative happens, instead of allowing that to lower your vibrations, 
you can convert it to use it in a positive form. 

You can respect everyone's opinion, without necessarily agreeing with them." 

What I tried after reading this page
It's said that most of our stress as humans come from money or human related matters.
This words on this page hugely diminished my stress in the area of "human relationships"

I often am given work without warning from those around me.
At such times, I often think "Why at this time when I'm already so busy!"

So this time I tried to think of it in a different way.

"this is training for me to get better at planning.
By taking this job, I can learn how to work even faster and more efficiently"

In other words, I decided to see it as giving me an opportunity to grow.

Even changing just that one thing allowed me to feel good as I started that work!

On this page, it says that "you can say thank you to everyone who helps you come to a realization"

This taught me how to switch what was once negative inside of me into something positive.

This book that Takumi-san wrote of his interview with Bashar,
had soooo much outstanding content and information in it.

Among that, I picked out something that I thought I could put into action right away.

I'm already thankful and can say "thank you" for this opportunity to observe and realize.

For all those who want to enjoy life even more and live even more in excitement,
please read this book
"There is nothing more important as this moment.
Here and now is the destination of life."