Sunday, July 26, 2020

Watch the reaction of your heart. It's okay to want pleasure, but don't get attached to it. Focus on how your body feels

19 years old!?
Fastest sprinter in Indonesia !!

There might be a new runner from Indonesia who runs in  9 seconds・・・

Buddha's teachings is to "feel good" 


All your troubles are the reactions of your heart! 
Don't react unnecessarily! 
How to solve it Buddha style

Watch the reaction of your heart 
Understanding your problems→Understand your identity 
What is the true reason?!
Troubles begin from wanting happiness 
There is only pleasure and displeasure 
That's how the heart feels 
So it continues to desire 
Think, "It's okay as it is!" 
Desire for recognition→ Concerned about the eyes of others 
Think, so what if I'm not recognized〜?!

3 ways to be free from suffering 
・Put into words that there is a desire that isn't fulfilled 
・Understand it from how your body feels (close your eyes and focus/Focus on your 5 senses=meditation) 
・Greed/Anger/Delusions (Delusions are most dangerous! Put things into words objectively!) 
See things simply as they are! 
Then you can be freed from the suffering of humans! 

Focus on the feelings of your body =meditation 

Don't judge whether its good or bad 
Judging=Attachment (Desire for recognition) 

"It should/has to be like this (=delusion/beliefs)" are what create suffering

Accurate understanding of Buddhism =Not judging something as right 
Create borders  "People are people. I am myself" 
There are no benefits to judging something as good or bad→This creates suffering 
Realize your own passing of judgment! Realize "Oh, I Just judged it!" 
50% of the general way of thinking is wrong. 

If someone takes out their anger on you →Everyone has their own sense of right 
Understand "That's what is right for you" 
The highest victory is not reacting 

Use half of your heart for the "former" and the other half for the "latter" 
Former= use it to understand the other 
Latter=Be conscious of the reaction of your own heart 

Continue to watch "the movements of your heart" 
Watch your heart as it moves and stop it saying "Okay, it's game over there!" 
Understand that your attachment to a perspective is "simply an attachment" 

 The teachings of Buddha is not a "religion" but a "philosophy" 
There is no point in delusions. 
Buddha did not talk about life after death or a past life. 
There is no point in chasing after that which there is no way to confirm 

He talked about a way to live in satisfaction, 
without increasing suffering 

It's not a bad thing to want pleasure 
The attachment to it is what is bad ↓↓↓
Feeling rushed, anxious, dissatisfaction → Let it all go 

Are you hurt by your own desires? Are you positive about them? 
If you are being hurt by it, then let go of your attachment! 

Buddha spoke of a philosophy to hep us life in this real life! 


I couldn't get up this morning〜♪

Warnings of landslides from heavy rain on the Pacific ocean side of West/East Japan  

Please be careful!

Takumi Yamazaki AW news →