Tuesday, April 14, 2020

"Listen" even when the probability is low, and "take action" when its high

Special feature by ETV
"Emergency Interview 
  The world changed by the Pandemic 〜A view of the world by intelligence abroad〜」

↓↓↓The coming world↓↓↓

The global order will change. 
The worlds response is fragmented. 

The human implications will be much greater. 

Lack in coordination in travel and key medical supplies. 

Implications for developing and emerging countries are severe. 
Because they will unable to take care of their people (causing instability)  →breeds radicalism 

A lot more "inequality" Haves vs. the have nots will grow. 

2020→A turning point 
China and America spat 
Less interdependence 

"Humanity is at a big crossroad!" 
"Humanity must change this time into an opportunity" 

Should get a dog. 
Meditation is a good idea. 
People need to help one another and remember their humanity. 
Real "warmth" is necessary. 

 Yuval Harari (Israeli historian) 

Don't just focus on the epidemic itself but also give attention to the political situation. 

Democracies "collapse" usually not in normal times, but in emergencies ・・・ → dictatorship?!
Corona Dictatorship 

If you give full power to one person and that one person makes a mistake, 
it affects everyone ・・・

It is precisely because it's an emergency that 
"democracy is necessary" 
we must maintain "checks and balances" ・・・

A well informed and self-motivated population is far more effective
than a policed, ignorant population. 

"Punish people" (threaten) 
"Give people good scientific education" (educate)
Which will it be?!

Two-way surveillance  
Governments monitor the people 
and the citizens monitor the government 

We should trust science and scientific institutions. 
Climate change should be treated in the same way. 

Citizens should be very careful about the information they believe. 
Implement guidelines that have a scientific backing. 
This is will greatly reduce the need for emergency dictatorial measures. 

Don't fall victim to conspiracies. 

Keep at least part of the focus on the political situation 
Extremely political decisions are being made. 
Important that the public remains engaged and supervises what the the politicians are doing. 

Ultimately, we will survive it. 
The impact of this pandemic is not determined. 
It's up to us. 

If we choose wisely, if we choose global solidarity, democratic responsibility, if we choose to believe in scientific authority, 
with hindsight it will look like a good moment for humankind, 
when we overcame not just the virus, but the moment we overcame our own internal demons (hatred, illusions and delusions) and came out as much stronger and more unified species. 

 Jacques Atai (Economist) 

Warned in his book in 2009,  
the dangers of an unknown pandemic 
that could affect the global market and free trade. 
A big threat to Individuals, Companies, Nations 

"Listen" even when the probability is low, 
And "take action" when its high 

If countries prove they cannot handle this tragedy
The mechanism of the market and democracy will collapse 

20% loss of GDP in the global market?! 

Should be braced for a 2nd wave, 3rd wave, 
An even greater number of victims (due to going out too early) 

Worst scenario would be a 
global depression and long lasting age of recession. 

Also, dictatorial society (impact on democracy) 

When given a choice of Freedom or Security 
Humans will always choose security 

Move to Altruism=Living for others (the core of humanity) 
The key to human survival 

Think and Live Positive
Cheers for life

Optimism is not the same as being positive 

Being an optimist is being a spectator of sports match and thinking
 "probably my team would win"
Positive is when you are a player and think "you can win if you play well." 

Protecting life industries (food, health, education, culture, information, research, digital, distribution, security) 

Altruism is the best definition of rational selfishness. 
You thinking about the benefit of others, also leads to your own benefit. 
Protecting others will be in our own interests too. 

Humanity evolves significantly when we are afraid. 

With the coming era of retirement at 70, the crossroad to "those who will or won't be a 'slave employee' until they die" 

”70 year old retirement bill" submitted to the Diet
Movement from "retirement at 65, and continued employment until 70" has begun
"Forced to work until 70 due to lack of money"
To "an era where people can decide their own age of retirement" 
DJ Aoi-san, really resonates〜♪
Troublesome people
are usually people who try to run away from troublesome things

If you avoid troublesome things because they are troublesome
then in the end, you will end up being a troublesome person

Is going to your hometown painful? 
It's just troublesome right
You want to be alone? 
You just want to satisfy your own desires and abandon everything 
You don't have your own opinion? 
You're just taking the easy route and avoiding having to face your troublesome self 
You're tired? 
You're just tired of running away from troublesome things

What's important is often troublesome 
Avoiding troublesome things is avoiding important things 

I don't think you need to do things that you don't want to 
but troublesome things must be done
If you keep on putting off until tomorrow 
important things that you must do 
You'll end up being just a loser missing what's important 
and live your life missing out on what you should've done

Video received from NAO・・・


