Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The definition of stability has changed

Our current situation is changing greatly day by day. 
Those who feel anxiety about their job, 
Those thinking about a career change,
Those who are also looking for a steady job・・・

Having 7 sources of income・・・"Seven Pockets" 
How many streams of income do you have? 

【8 minute summary】
Multiplication of career change and a side job  ~How to live maximizing your lifetime income~
【A Reiwa way of living】Salaryman 2.0

Multiplication of a career change and side job

built an annual income of 50 million yen
starting from working as a cashier at a home center ・・・

Resonated with many people!!!

Annual income 2.4 million→50 million
Multiplication of changing jobs and side business!!!

Off-axis career change

Annual income=Industry+Occupation

example) IT industry +Sales manager

Change your axis to a different industry when changing careers
Switching to a industry that makes more money!
A career change without a different axis is a risk
Switching all axises is a risk too!

Utilizing experience as a salaryman 
Can it provide beneficial information?
Does it provide useful information that you'd want even if you had to pay for it?

In order to resonate with salary men
you have to understand their struggles and the difficulties they face
That's why I haven't quit.

Salary men is 
"A place to stock information" for my second job=Material
Updating the latest and most real information
Can gain resonance =The asset value of that is very high

There are so many absurd things that happen.
All of this can become content!

My "definition of stability" as a salaryman has begun to change! 

We all want "stability"
but what is "stability" in this era? 
The "stability" in this new era differs. 

What does "stability" meant to you? 


From my Food Business Consultant friend,
please share with those in the F&B business! 



”Akabeko” from Kitahara-san!

BOSE sunglasses and earphones!!!
Thank you! 

Eshima-san, thank you for the alcohol! 

Kaori, thank you so much! Yay! Makes me happy! 
Lots of vegetables, and the celery looks great! 

Thanks for telling me about GOOD NOTE 5! 

Look at this wallpaper (lol) 

Yesterday I did alot of drawing〜♪
Be looking forward to the book about my interview with Bashar〜♪