Sunday, March 1, 2020

You live causing trouble to others, so be forgiving of others too!

In India, apparently they teach that "you live causing trouble to others, so be forgiving of others too"  

Michael Jordan's speech 
Kobe's memorial service February 24th 2020 


Italy new type corona virus:
The masterful letter by a principal of a closed school that caused a sensation 


 “The pestilence, as the Tribunal of Health had feared, did enter the Milanese with the German troops. It is also known that it was not limited to that territory, but that it spread over and desolated a great part of Italy…”
The words just written above are those that open Chapter 31 of The Betrothed (I promessi sposi), a chapter that is, just as the next, entirely dedicated to the plague epidemic that hit Milan in 1630. It is an illuminating and extraordinary modern text that I recommend one reads carefully, especially in these confusing times. Everything we are experiencing now has already happened on those pages; the certainty of the danger of foreigners, the violent clash between the authorities, the spasmodic search for the so-called zero patient, the contempt for experts, the hunt for greasers, the uncontrolled voices, the most absurd remedies, the raid on basic necessities, the health emergencies. And in those pages you will come across, among other things, names that you certainly know by frequenting the streets around our high school which, let’s not forget, stands at the center of what was the lazaretto in Milan: via Ludovico Settala, via Alessandro Tadino, and via Felice Casati to list a few famous street names. You will also realize that the words and ideas from Manzoni’s novel seem to have appeared from the very pages of our newspapers today.
Dear children, this is nothing new under the sun, and yet, the closing of our school requires me to send a message to you. Ours is one of those institutions that with its rhythms and rituals marks the passage of time and the orderly unfolding of civilian life, and the forced closure of a school is something that the authorities resort to in rare and truly exceptional cases. It is not for me to evaluate the appropriateness of this measure as I am not an expert nor do I pretend to be. I respect and trust the authorities and I scrupulously observe the indications.
What I want to tell you, however, is to keep a cool head, and to not let yourself be dragged by the collective delusion, to continue — with due precautions — to lead a normal life.
Take advantage of these days to go for walks, to read a good book, there is no reason — if you are well — to stay indoors. There is no reason to storm supermarkets and pharmacies, the masks left to those who are sick, they are only for them. The speed with which a disease can move from one end of the world to another is a sign of the times: there are no walls that can stop it, and centuries ago they moved equally, only a little slower.
One of the greatest risks in such events, Manzoni teaches us (and perhaps even more so Boccaccio), is the poisoning of social life and human relationships, along with the barbarism of civilian life. The atavistic instinct when you feel threatened by an invisible enemy is to see him everywhere, and with this comes the danger of looking at each of our fellow citizens as threats, as potential aggressors. Compared to the epidemics of the fourteenth and seventeenth centuries, we have modern medicine on our side, and believe me, its progress and its certainties are not small. Let us use the rational thought that allowed us create said medicine so that we may preserve the most precious asset we possess, our social fabric, our humanity. If we can’t do this, then the plague will have really won.
I will see you all at school,
Domenico Squillace


Yesterday's online beginning of the month meeting 
was perfect wasn't it! (lol) 

1) A goal that excites you 
2) Do my best 
3) Don't get attached to the results 
4) Stay positive 

Don't put in energy trying to change those around you, 
but just change your vibration, 
and move to a different parallel. 

How to raise your vibration? 
Follow your passion. 


The state of emergency of the new-type Corona virus has changed!
The government is hiding something. 
We are in a state of not being able to trust the government or the mass media. Everyone must be prepared

The rapid increase in people who have contracted the corn virus is due to the advanced inspection system. 
There are even drive through inspections. 


A friend participated in "Ivana Chubbuck"'s seminar! 

↓↓↓I received their study notes↓↓↓

Notes on what Ivana was talking about regarding addiction 

Wanting drugs or alcohol happens when people feel they are lacking in power. 
Marijuana No freedom Feel closed in, or pressured. 
Food, Eating disordersDon't feel important Want to take care of themselves. 
Wrist cut→Feel you have no value
SEXDesire for a safe love Belief that if you get really close it will turn into pain. 

Cult groups→Becoming the ultimate family
Creating a cycle of addiction and dependency through making them believe in the existence of a family. 
Are abused through a repetition of heightened and lowered sense of loneliness/fear/self-hate that makes them want and depend on a family. 

All humans living on this earth have some kind of dependence. 
Addiction to their miserable selves (Their comfort zone is a miserable existence
Addiction to anxiety
Addiction to pain 
Can't leave their house An addiction to thinking, "I can't leave here"
An addiction to thinking, I can't get out of my bed. 

Grateful for the support of everyone in each area!