Saturday, February 29, 2020

The journey is the destination!! How to aim in this new era!! Day 2 with Bashar

Session with Bashar   Day 2 

The formula 
1)Follow your passion (goals that excite you)
2)Give it all you've got. Do my best!
3) Have no attachements 
4)Stay positive

If you follow your passion, you will get the result you should receive. 
Excitement →Action→You go the direction you are meant to o. 
What's meant to happen will happen. 

Higher mind 
Believe in synchronicity. 
The journey is truly the destination!!! 
(It becomes a journey because you have a goal. However, a goal≠destination) 

Shouldn't get stuck on things. 
Because things will come to you that may be different from what you imagined. 
Be accepting to change. 

It just shift to a different world. 
Every moment is a new reality. 

What happens is not important. 
Staying happy is. 
Being unhappy isn't good. 
Go with the flow and follow your passions. 

Everyone lives according to their blueprint. 
Blueprint=beliefs =self image 
Your blue print is what decides how you think and feel 

↓↓↓You can rewrite your life's blueprint ↓↓↓

I'm not confident →Confident in their belief that they are not confident 
It's just a difference in where you use your energy and talent. 

What do you believe 
that makes you experience what you experience?! 

Proceed as is. 
What do you fear will happen? 

When you think to change your beliefs 
you truly can! 

Buddies that lose their motivation ・・・
Maybe something else will rekindle their motivation? 
Give them a chance! 
But, let them go. 
Then there is space that's created for the next persons to come. 
The job of a leader is to be excited 
and to identify the right people that everyone can work with. 

If you think to move forward there will always be walls. 
The towering wall continues far to the left and to the right. ・・・
You try to climb it but you can't. 
When you're struggling with it, you hear a voice call your name from afar. 
You're so busy trying to overcome the wall that you ignore the voice. 
But once you're exhausted and can no longer climb, you listen to the voice that's saying・・・
"There is a door here〜!" 
If you get attached to the how, then you are no longer able to see other paths. 
Synchronicity is always happening. 

Even if you think,
I changed!!! ・・・
If something can happen that will make you negative, 
then you have not changed. 
What you give will come back to you. 

We are living with 
51% positive and 
49% negative. 
With just a little bit of plus and we can grow. 
That's how we get closer to our true selves! 
When we're negative, its when we are "going against the flow". 




I was reminded of this after hearing, " The journey is the destination!!!"

Freelancing used to be very unique, 
but now freelancer have increased in numbers, 
and its uniqueness no longer feels unique. 

Freelancers "have to survive" so it's boring. 
Salaried workers "have a basic salary the can survive on" so it's often not profitable. 

This combination is what's interesting!(lol)
(For those who have residual income, it would be even more interesting〜♪)

Follow your passions
Give it your all
Don't get attached
and do it all while staying positive! 

 Salary workers  are in a situation where 
they can do what Bashar is saying  (because their basic needs are already covered) ・・・

Went to Malibu Pier〜

The atmosphere here is wonderful! 

Met up with Meg・・・

"It's odd that artists lives are being cancelled but the fact that every morning, there are 2 million people riding the full trains isn't criticized" 
