Tuesday, December 17, 2019

"Motivation" is the old way. The future is being "driven"

This book is incredible!
I'm still partway through but・・・
I'll share my notes bit by bit. 

We called Yaruki "Motivation", right? 
It can also be called, being "Driven" 


"driven" is the past tense of the word "drive" and it's an adjective to "being strongly roused/moved." 
While there may be differences in the level or degree, it points to the feelings that well up from inside your heart. It's often combined with different nouns and expressed in ways such as "tech-driven" or "data-driven" 



The meaning of the word "drive" is well known as  "to drive" but it also can mean "to promote, and be active" and is a synonym to being active.  

Example student

He was a driven student. 
would mean, 
He was a motivated student 

This book uses the word DRIVEN in this way! 

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For you living in this era・・・
Focusing on your emotions, opening the door of your heart, is what will allow your true essence to shine! 

Societal sucess is based on "results" but that is not the "purpose." 
There are "treasures" that go beyond that! 

A era were each person follows their heart and lives out their wholeness. 
A heart-driven era where we acknowledging diverse ways of living, 
and each person's life shines colorfully! 

What can't be seen with your eyes becomes vital. 
Even in business, handle "a playful heart" and "emotions" with great care!  

Our job is= 
"To provide wonderful experiences that move people and color and enrich people's lives." 

Place "emotions" at the center of everything! 

Experiences that move you!
Make everything into entertainment!
Enrich each person's life. !
Work is about impacting people's hearts!

Now is "an era where there is no right" 
This makes everyone unsure and anxious. 
However, in this diverse era, the answer is within you. 

That's why 
it's an era to handle your emotions with care. 

When you handle your emotions with care, 
your inner self grows and evolves= Evolution of the Soul 

This will make your life shine!


From futuristic information 


In Tokyu Plaza Shibuya,"Pepper PARLOR" opened 
where robots do the customer service. 


Just now I went to see the new Tokyu in Shibuya, and there were Pepper's all lined up and it looked so funny I had to take a photo. (lol) 

It may feel new now, but it may be sooner than we think where it will become the norm that humans and robots work side by side?!



This wine was served at the party the other day ・・・

It was so good〜!

Today I took excerpts from the "execution" part of The Project of Life. 

Not only taking action, but how to act while keeping you and your team excited and inspired? 

I found a hint from this phrase. 

Here is Fukushima Select.


【The Project of Life】(p171: Chapter 3 from "Execution" )

"Don't lose sight of the final goal which is your starting point,

why you're doing what you're doing now. 

Always put it into words 
so that you don't forget, and so that your team doesn't forget 

Do you feel like, "I can do this!" 
That feeling of excitement should always be your compass. 

What is your goal? 

What do you see beyond it. 
Your imagination that continues to grow, 
will be the power that will help to break through future walls." 
Why I chose it↓↓

If I were to compare this phrase to a voyage, 

"Why are you going on this trip?" 
"After you get the treasure, who do you want to have become?" 

My interpretation is that these 2 points are important.

Those who have more specific answers to these questions 

are those who have great energy 
and are able to be active in moving towards their goals. 

Conversely, when your motivation goes down, 
we just need to think about the answer to these questions! 

When you can't find the answer, 

remember the reason why you went on this trip. 

Why you set the goal, 
who you were influenced by, the place etc... 
Recall it as vividly as you can. 

Everything starts with the way you feel in your heart, and it's simply putting it into "words!" 

That will motivate you, 
and it will revive your excitement‼️

It's so important to put things into words. 

"How do I actually want to be?" 
"What kind of life do I want to live?" 

The answers to these two questions will become clearer and clearer as you take part in "The Project of Life" 

This is what I learned this time.