Monday, December 16, 2019

When you see someone trip on the stairs, what do you think? We live in "reaction". Our reactions create the world we live in!

Someone gave this to me
It'll give you energy〜♪


PV is completed〜!



Sammy told me about a delicious store in "Aomori" 


It's a store called "AKI" near the intersection right near the Daiwaroynet hotel. 

Please go there when you visit Aomori

 〒030-0801 青森県青森市新町2丁目1−16 

【Takafumi Horie】
From now on, the tough jobs will all disappear, 
and only the fun jobs will remain.
【Thinking Revolution】

The TOP5 most read articles this week


5th place
The popular guys are the "kind guys" in the long run. 

4th place  Life is as you think it will be.
If you think there's no way it becomes as you thinkthen it is as you think! (lol) 

3rd place 
"Hiei Shrine" Very good to go until the 26th 

2nd place 
The importance of small talk 

1st place 
It rains artificially in Dubai?! Emirates first class has a shower!


From PICO-san's blog

Your subconscious is unconscious
 so you can't control it

You can't control it

but it gives you signs in the form of " your own reaction"

We are influenced by what happens around us.

We are constantly and repeatedly reacting to it.

For example ・・

What you think when you see a post that says,

"You can't get money without working
Money will decrease if you use it.
That's to be expected.
So if you aren't properly grounded,
you'll regret it later!"

What you think when you see a post that says,
"You can do only what you want
and have fun and live a free life!
The dragons and the universe will back you up, so you'll be okay. "

What you think when someone tells you,
"That person was bad mouthing you.
They are pretending to be good friends with you, but you should be careful."

What you think when
you see someone trip on the stairs.

What you think when
you see news that a celebrity was arrested for drugs

What you think when
you ride the train and someone cuts in front of you.

What you think when
you see clouds in the sky shaped like a dragon.

What you think when
you were able to get a live ticket at just the right timing.

What you think when
you find out that your child was being bullied

What you think when
you discover that you husband was cheating on you

What you think when
you wake up in the morning and its pouring rain.

What you think when
a friend stands up on you.

All of it is

We are living in reaction.

From the content of someone's blog,
to the weather,
to cheating,
to everything in life,

it's all a reaction

That is what it means when I say, it creates the world you live in.

Whether wind blows,
the news on TV
The promotion of your co-worker
Sickness, accidents,
When  someone says something to you,

All of it!

How you react to those things is the world that you are creating!

"Everything that you see is a message♪"

You cannot consciously connect with your subconscious.

However, by being conscious of the layer you can be conscious of,
that vibration will reach it.

Take time to properly feel your daily reactions.

Observe every detail.

Don't miss the small things that make you uncomfortable.

Don't miss seeing why that thing made you uncomfortable.

If you do this, it will open your circuit of access to your subconscious!

I don't know but (lol)
I think 2020 will definitely be a wonderful year! 

・・The moment your read this

What did you think?

and when I said, I'm don't know but (lol)
What did you think?

It's not about whether its wrong or right,
it's about your own reaction.

If you feel something is off,
it's responding to "something" inside of you.

What is that thing?
The emotions that come up.

This is you.

Your emotions and moods.

There are many types of joy.
And there are many forms of anger.

We are made up of emotions.

Countless emotions.

Everything starts with you.

Think about what this means once again.

Everything that happens, happens in order for you to know your own reactions (emotions)

If something you don't like happens, make sure you notice the tiny stings and littlest thorn.


When you feel joy, feel it wholeheartedly.

When you laugh, laugh for no reason.

You are undoubtedly allowed to be happy now!

Opening the pathway to your subconscious

Wonderful things will happen!!

It will raise your destiny, all at once.

You who read this, our vibration will definitely go to a higher level.

It's going to be okay.
It's going to be okay.