Friday, December 20, 2019

Create margin time that is a ”Waste/Worthless/Innocent" What was discarded until now will become valuable from now!

"Souls evolvement" likes "things that seem to be a waste" 
Let's invest time= It's a treasure
example) Went to "Sedona" 
Participated in the rituals of the native americans 

     to  "Burning Man" 
A world of Give and give 

 Vipassana meditation 
10 days  Meditate 10 hours per day 
  Realize that finding that middle place is what's most important. 
It's not a two dimensional world, but in the middle. 
      Yin, if gone too far is Yang 
     Yang, if gone too far is Yin

Business management style with the heart at the center 
It starts with remembering what it is we discarded thinking it was not right. 

"Open the door of your heart with your emotions as the key" 

Think about emotional value. 
Emotions have limitless value. 
What is our philosophy?→”Being the sharp tip" is vital.

Changing inside=Evolve
Doing so expands possibility. 
That changes the way you see things. 
Then, the way you are, and your actions can also change. 

Golden Circle Theory 

When the WHY  (meaning, purpose) is missing
Start with WHY!!!
Think about how to communicate=This has overwhelming value

Why are we doing this?
example)HR "Imagine a working style where each persons life sparkles and shines." 
People working→Life sparkles and shines 

Understanding each other 
 "Share  what is inside of you with those around you" 

List up the things that make you feel worried/disappointed/suspicious (cause discomfort) 
This is like Ayumu Takahashi's "A`S MEMO" TAKU

Don't kill the chicken!
=Surrounding people often stifle or judge the person who makes a mistake. 
Prevent that. Everyone accept that person. 

・Culture of clapping for others
・Separate understanding and agreeing 
 "I see, that's how you felt!" 
This is understanding, not necessarily agreeing. 
You can be understood because you understand. 

・Let's check in! 
 Share the things that are on your heart now. 
 example)It's right after I ate, so I'm sleepy. 
  Recently, I'm fully motivated etc... 

Creating a safe secure environment 
Create margin time that is a 

What was discarded until now 
will become valuable from now! 

Small talk→Important 

Camp is 
An opportunity to think about the "important yet not timely" things 

Festival is 
"A once a year change for crazy self-expression" =Cultural festival 

Leadership is
Not "perfection" 
What leads to "happiness" 

Emotional value is Japan's potential 
Not simple but complex and unique and high context. 
Abstract, Conceptual, Non-linguistic
Thoughts, Philosophy, Stories, Culture etc. 

A journey to open your heart・・・
The value is in the journey 
Let's enjoy it! 
There may be times when its the long route 
or you retire from the trip. 

What you feel on the inside
is yours only. 

Caring for your own emotions 
is what enables you to care for others too. 


Movie "Takatsukasa" nationwide roadshow!  

It's a really great movie!
The tears come from my heart!


Grateful to those in each region!

Su-san's taping tape!
You can also put it on places that would normally peel off!!!


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