Friday, December 20, 2019

"When problems arise in the same pattern" or "you hardly move forward even though you're trying your best" →It's time to evolve!

The purpose of life is 
not to "succeed or to be recognized by others" 
I view it as "a journey to reveal your true self."

"Souls evolution" vs "monsters" 

How much do you know yourself?! 

Your precious life.  ・・・
"Will you life it unconsciously"?
Will you live it consciously"?

Monsters that live in your thoughts and ideas 
Your "thoughts" will easily "lie to you"!!!
The "brain" is a machine that creates your "illusions"!! 
"Illusions" are 
"reality"<"your own beliefs (ideas) and expectations" 
based on "past experiences" and the "foreseen future".
So it's not necessarily absolutely correct. 

Your "Ideas" are
"beliefs" created by your past experiences. 
Habits of how you see the world are automatic ←from the unconscious mind. 
=thought patterns(mental models)
Many of them are "avoidance behaviors" against "fear". 
This  can work for your advantage and disadvantage. 

People have many different "mental models" 
It's important to "recognize" these without cutting them off. 
(because they were created to protect you) 

example)of some mental models・・・
Work is tough 
Must not show weakness 
You gain if you struggle 
You should put others first 
Should adjust to others. 
Must meet others expectations in order to be loved 
A man must.... 

"It's the 'should be' religion" (It should be like this)  lol TAKU

Are you aiming for a fake diamond? 
Aiming for something that "deep inside your heart you don't actually want." 

・Clinging to a career (a world with no excitement) 
・BSO(fake diamond)car, fame, power etc 
 Must get out of the race of comparing wth others. 
・The temptation of competence 
 (The trap of taking on other people's goals as your own) 
・The curse of OR (become someone who can't decide) 

Visionaries ask, 
"Do I want this even if those important to me don't appreciate it or won't evaluate it?"

The control drama
Sucks out peoples energy 

There are 4 types of people 
People live taking energy from others. 

There are monsters hiding in our environments too. 
Important to create organizations where self-expression is allowed. 

Controlling people ×
Control= candy and whip
People will eventually leave

Must connect with your own emotions and share that with others!!!
Approach the emotions that support your emotions
If you can do that for yourself, 
you can connect with that in others too. 
This is when your "soul evolves" 

Separate understand and agreeing 
Understand=Can happen at 100% at any time 
"It's true! I get it! I wonder what we should do?!" 
If you can share it, it's possible to find the appropriate solution. 

When "problems arise in the same pattern" its time to evolve!!!


"We cannot solve our problems 
with the same thinking we used
when we created them." 

Evolving→「Meta Cognition」
=Consciously recognize your own actions

If you aren't conscious of your own patterns
the monster can have a hey day. 
You will live a life in proportion to your control drama. 

When you become conscious of your own patterns,
The monsters start to disappear, 
and you can face inward. 

Recognizing your emotions
and sharing them with someone is important. 
Connecting first with your own emotions. 
Ask yourself, "What am I feeling?" 

If you want to go fast, go alone・・
If you want to go far, go together・・・



Interesting information from Hiroya Ita! 


Interesting! This is worth reading!! 
The roles for driving economic growth have changed!

In place of machines and factories, 
"Intangible assets" such as knowledge and data are building the wealth of business and of the country. 
This is a Nikkei article that follows the tide of the neo-economy, and the source of invisible wealth

It was news that the number of grade school children who have an eyesight of under 0.3 will more than triple in the next 30 years. 
In news via BBC in August 2017,  it was also reported that the number of visually impaired people in the world will "triple by 2050." (。

I found this site called 「MEMAMORU」
It provides information for parents who are worried about the eyesight of their 
children dropping. Please read it not only for your children but for yourself too★

Are you caring for your eyes? 

※To movie lovers
SEE~A world of darkness~
An AppleTV drama that depicts a world where are the humans have lost their eyesight. It was interesting and thought provoking! 

Also, the movie "BLINDNESS"  depicts a story where a mysterious infectious disease that causes humans to lose their eyesight spreads worldwide, is very thought provoking as well. 

On the other hand, its also true that 
Research on cures for blindness are also advancing! 

Examples using iPS cells will also likely increase going forward. 


An encounter once again in Nagoya! Lol