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"Happy New Year! 🎉㊗️
A new year has begun!
As the fortune teller had predicted,
Finally, the start of the new year of which the fortune teller has predicted
has arrived~
The mourning period is over〜〜〜
3/20 Spring Equinox★cosmic journey
IRIEさん((If you’re a fan of Hikaru, you definitely know Irie-san)
53+84 (A Japanese DJ unit by DJ KOSAKAI and DJ YASSY)
Takahashi Ayumu (A free spirit and close friend of Takumi Yamazaki)
Oshima Keisuke (Mental trainer from the izakaya “Teppen")
Rena Saito
Miho Senoo
Hiromi Nagasaka
Shibuya 1-chome Choir
famous speakers, entrepreneurs, influencers, and diamond-tier guests…
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Looking forward to it!
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Summary (Theoretical Step by Step)
1. The Reason Behind TUFTI's Harsh Tone
- TUFTI’s tone is harsh, using expressions like “foolish dreams” and “pitiful lives.”
- This reflects her frustration with our lack of understanding of the essence of things.
- We are born without an “instruction manual” for ourselves, and ignorance is only natural.
- However, TUFTI’s harshness may have a deeper intention.
2. Lesson 1:"2 Screens"
- We are always dreaming.
- Both nighttime dreams and daytime reality can be viewed as the same “dream.”
- Dreams are like frames on a movie reel.
- In “Transurfing,” this corresponds to the “sector of the variant space.”
- The frames can be altered
- but most people are unaware of this possibility.
3. What Does it Mean to “Change the Frames of the Movie”?
- Example: when experiencing a nightmare
- Entering the fearful dream leads to confusion and screams.
- However, the moment you realize “this is a dream,” the situation changes.
- The dream changes, disappears, or you wake up—this is a shift in sectors.
- The same applies to daytime “dreams.”
- Being carried away by everyday emotions is akin to being in a nightmare.
- Returning to the “center of awareness” allows you to change the flow of frames.
4. "Two Screens” and the “Center of Awareness”
- Internal Screen
- A state where your awareness is focused on your own heart, emotions, and thoughts.
- It makes the outside world harder to perceive.
- External Screen
- A state where your awareness is focused on the events around you or others' reactions.
- It causes you to lose sight of your own thoughts and act reflexively.
- Center of Awareness
- The “conscious perspective” located between the internal and external screens.
- Example:Game
- In a game, when you get caught up in a nightmare, you panic from a character's perspective (losing yourself).
- But when you realize “this is just a game,” you return to the player’s perspective.
- From this position, you can control the flow of the movie frames.
5. Summary
- We are prone to “emotionally intoxicated” states (being swept up by real-life events).
- By standing in the “center of awareness,” we can calmly choose our reality.
- However, our thoughts tend to wander, and we are once again carried away by emotions.
- There is a concept called the “pendulum,” which will be addressed in the next lesson.
- Ultimately, TUFTI asserts that “everything will work out in the end.”
Next we'll go to "Lesson 2"
Summary (Theoretical Step by Step)
1. Theme of Lesson 2:"Walking Freely in the Dream"
- Awakening means gaining a bird’s-eye view, observing yourself and those around you.
- To walk freely in the dream (both nighttime dreams and daytime reality), it is essential to have the “center of awareness.”
- This leads to “shaping your life to some extent the way you want it.”
2. Review of Lesson 1
- State of Consciousness
- Our consciousness shifts between the “internal screen” and the “external screen.”
- Unconscious State
- When we are swept by both screens, our consciousness is in a dormant state.
- Center of Awareness
- This is the perspective that exists between both screens, allowing us to observe things from a bird's-eye view.
3. Character Consciousness vs. Player Consciousness
(Example:Feeling anxious about a sudden expense)
- Character Consciousness
- Consumed by anxiety (like a character in a movie).
- Example: “I don’t have enough money, what should I do?”—controlled by emotions.
- Player Consciousness
- Observing the situation from a bird’s-eye view, calmly addressing it.
- Example: “I’m feeling anxious right now, but I’ll do what I can.”
- In TUFTI’s expression, this is like “stepping out from the movie screen into the hall.”
4. What Changes when You're in the "Center of Awareness"?
- It becomes the foundation for experiencing the reality you desire.
- The reactions of people around you also begin to change.
- Effects of Jung’s Concept of the “Collective Unconscious”: による影響:
- Everyone is connected at a subconscious level.
- People with awakened consciousness appear more attractive to others.
- This is an energetic influence, and their “aura” also shifts.
- Effects of Jung’s Concept of the “Collective Unconscious”: による影響:
5. Caution:Don't Show Off Your "Center of Awareness"
- Over-identifying with the idea that “I am an influential being” creates “excess potential.”
- In Transurfing theory, excess potential disrupts balance and becomes counterproductive.
- It is important to maintain the “center of awareness” in a natural state.
6. Related Theories (TransSurfing)
- People live as “characters.”
- Example: “An actor plays a role on stage and forgets it when returning to the dressing room.”
- Similarly, we lose past memories when we are born and assume the reality we live in is real.
- Why are memories forgotten upon birth?
- If memories existed, past values could interfere with the current life lessons.
- There may be entities that believe, “If you carry memories, you become too wise.”
- Talents and perceptions are inherited, so it’s not a complete reset.
7. What is Awakening?
- The process of metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly.
- Awakening means breaking free from unconscious states and remembering your true self.
- However, you may return to “sleep” at times.
- The process is a continuous cycle of “awakening—sleep” while evolving.
8. Transurfing's Perspective:"Awakening in the Dream."
- “To control reality, you need to wake up in the dream and remember true reality.”
- By raising your consciousness, you can begin to control your life.
- Connection to TUFTI Lesson 6 “Braided Threads”:
- Human consciousness is composed of “fibers of energy” (Toltec philosophy).
- There is a “point of convergence” in the scapula area that determines the direction of consciousness.
- This will be elaborated upon in later lessons.
9. The Evolution of Consciousness in the Modern Information Age
- Today, we live in a world where information is instantly accessible, resembling a simulation.
- Problems and pressures can be seen as “triggers to make us take real action.”
- TUFTI’s harsh tone is a means to wake us up.
- This reason will become clearer in future lessons.
10. Summary
- Awakening means standing in the “center of awareness.”
- Being swept away by character consciousness leads to being emotional controlled.
- With player consciousness, you can control your life.
- Through the “collective unconscious,” awakened individuals influence others.
- Excessive “showing off influence” is counterproductive, so be cautious.
- By raising your consciousness, you can “wake up in the dream” and control reality at will.
Next, we move on to Lesson 3: “Welcome to Reality.”
Summary (Theoretical Step by Step)
1. Lesson 3 Theme:"Welcome to Reality"
- In daily life, we are easily swayed by emotions and thoughts.
- Rather than just being "mentally absent," we often find ourselves in a state of "consciousness absent."
- Lesson 3 delves into why we lose our "awareness focal point" and end up living unconsciously.
2. Review of Lesson 2
- When we maintain an awareness focal point, we can control our consciousness.
- Those who are truly awake appear charismatic to those around them.
- However, if one tries to show off their awareness focal point, it backfires (excess potential).
3. TUFTI'S Shocking Revelation:"Your Consciousness Is not your Own"
We are driven by an "external script."
Even when we believe we are acting on our own will, we are often unconsciously following a script.
- Checking your phone whenever you have free time → A habitual script.
- Intending to study English but ending up watching unrelated videos → Consciousness hijacked without realizing it.
In this state, we drift away from our awareness focal point.
4. What Happens when we lose our Awareness Focal Point?
- Wandering thoughts and fluctuating emotions cause us to "lose ourselves."
- If we have an awareness focal point, we can catch ourselves: "Wait, what was I doing?"
- Asking "Where is my consciousness directed right now?" is crucial.
5. "Movies" and "Scripts": Which Movie Are We Living in?
- TUFTI's concept of the "variant space" refers to a repository of all possible life paths.
- Our consciousness determines which "movie" (life pattern) we experience.
- Depending on our state of consciousness, the corresponding "movie script" arrives.
Example: Deciding to turn your passion into your career
1. Holding the thought "I will make my passion my work."
2. This aligns you with the corresponding "movie sector," and the script starts unfolding.
3. However, the script often appears as unrelated or even negative events at first:
* Example: Getting suddenly fired from your current job → Seems unfortunate but is actually a necessary step toward a new path.
*Example: Coming across a life-changing book by chance → A seemingly trivial moment turns into a major turning point.
4. Ultimately, we live the life path we consciously align with.
6. The Danger of Being Swept Away by an "Unconscious Script"
The Danger of Being Swept Away by an "Unconscious Script"
Without realizing it, we often become "characters in someone else's movie.
*"The company is struggling, so overtime is expected." → Living according to the company's convenient script
*"Getting a job at a major corporation guarantees happiness." → Living according to parents' expectations
*Feeling anxious after hearing news like "You won’t have enough money for retirement." → Energy being drained by a destructive pendulum.
7. What is a "Destructive Pendulum"?
- A pendulum is a mechanism that shakes our consciousness and drains emotional energy.
- Destructive pendulums control people by amplifying fear and anxiety.
- News about "retirement poverty" → Feeling anxious fuels the pendulum.
- Result: This in turn manifests actual financial struggle.
However, there are also pendulums that help manifest dreams.
If we focus on positive consciousness, we attract a script aligned with that.
8. Maintaining the Awareness Focal Point and Living Your Own Life
- Losing the awareness focal point leads to unconsciously becoming a character in someone else's movie.
- To manifest dreams, we must clearly direct our consciousness toward the right movie.
- Whether we surrender to fear or focus on our ideal reality determines our future.
9. Characters in a Dream and Real Life Humans
- Characters in a dream lack self-awareness.
- Similarly, if we lose our awareness focal point during the day, we become trapped in the script.
- However, a conscious human recognizes, "I am me."
- Strengthening this self-recognition enables control over one’s life.
10. Conclusion
1. "Your consciousness is not your own." → We are often controlled by external scripts.
2. The direction of our consciousness determines which script we receive.
3. By focusing on our ideal reality, we attract a matching script (Law of Attraction).
4. Without realizing it, we can become "characters in someone else’s movie".
5. Destructive pendulums manipulate us through fear and anxiety.
6. To manifest dreams, we must maintain our "awareness focal point" and consciously direct our focus.
Next Theme :Observing where consciousness is Directed
- Exploring specific methods for directing consciousness effectively.
- Strengthening the awareness focal point and gaining clearer control over life.
To be continued in the next lesson
Mr. Katori from the other day
Happiness was overflowing〜〜〜
Campfire Life Advice!
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Grateful for the presence of someone who gives me a gentle push
Grateful to the existence of my task managers and their help〜
Meeting with Samii about my 60th birthday party!
Meeting about our publishing school!
Where we will teach you how to write a book!
It'll likely get popular〜
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