Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The secret is to keep a journal! Keep a record. Write down everything. And look back on it. The point is that it's “all a gift”.

Check out Takumi’s NEW English youtube channel🎵




In September, we moved to the fifth dimension.

October was the second stage, 

and November was the third stage.

In October

the Ohtani Dodgers won the championship,

and then there was Vienna and Trump's election

one after another.

There is no boundary between the 5th dimension 

and the 3rd dimension



5th dimension dango

= a mix of “crab” and “almost crab”

↓↓↓ Almost crab ↓↓↓


Finding crab (=5th dimension) from reality 



As an aside...

When you move on to the next stage

you realize that the crab was also almost a crab.

The same method is used to find the real crab.

You just have to look for it in the fifth dimension.

Then you move on to the next stage.

Anyway, the secret is to keep a journal!

Keep a record.

Write down everything.

Then look back.


Mr. Azumi writes in his journal on his Macbook.

The frequency has increased, and the number of times 

he looks back at it has increased.

We are constantly receiving gifts from reality


He said, 

"Taku, I bet you only write about the things you think are "treasures", right?! 

Actually, you should also write about “things that don't matter”.

You will realize later that they were gifts (half a day or a few days later).

The point is that “everything is a gift”.

Up until now, I needed to meditate.

There's no need for channeling.

Because when you move to the fifth dimension, it's coming faster. 

When you receive it, the next one comes.

Even if you don't do anything, you feel good.

Everything goes well. 

You don't get distracted by other people's problems.

You just do your own thing.

Everything grows on its own.




However, ordinary people think “I can't do it”.


Because they don't keep a journal

They don't remember anything.

They forget even the important things.


They make decisions based on the information that remains.

What remains? !


it is necessary to write things down (keep a record) in a journal and

look back at it many times.

In short, it's been going well.

As long as you're in a good mood, that's all that matters.

If you come across information that makes you feel "oh no!" 

Find out,  "What is the root of this feeling of crisis?"

There are so many things happening every day

that I keep a record of them.

And then I look back on them!








November 11

11:11 screenshot!

It's a lucky charm (lol)



Yesterday we had lunch ad a special meeting!




Father/son talk too!



Sam's stamina is amazing.



They went home in a corporate jet!







After that, I went to the photoshoot for tiktok




I met up with old friends at night!



Big mama, Endo-san, Otomo-san〜〜〜



●Life-Consuming Business stage

●Purpose-Driven Business stage

●Profit-Focused Business stage

●Authentic Business stage

From the newsletter of Mr. Matsuda Mihiro

Which stage are you in?!





On Dec 7th in Kyoto 

We'll have a seminar by Michael Roach and Marie Kondo






Grateful to everyone in each region!





I'll join this. Let's all go for coffee afterwards〜!




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

