Check out Takumi’s NEW English youtube channel🎵
The people who say they are busy are the ones who don't use AI (lol)
How to use AI as a capable secretary!
It's not that AI will take away jobs.
It's the people who become well-versed at using AI that will take away your job!
AI is an extension of yourself!
If you attend the seminar ・・・
you'll learn to use AI with ease!
You'll be able to understand what you need to input
in order to get it to work for you!
This is actually a big step forward in communication with your subordinates!
By doing self-coaching, you can delve into the six scenes that have shaped you
and reaffirm your personal axis and
the experiences that have shaped you,
as well as how to turn them into pictures
and create presentation materials using them
We plan to teach this on the day!
If there is time, we may even have some people present?!
Rather than,
“I'm not good at it.”
“I don't know how to use it.”
It's more correct to say,
“I don't know what I can do with it.”
I'll teach you how to do it!
About how to use CHAT GPT
I did an Instagram Live about how to live with AI!
I'll leave it up for 24 hours, so
please take a look!
↓↓↓The seminar is here↓↓↓
Wow, it can do all that?!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s