Tuesday, October 1, 2024

I'm not good at setting goals. That's a lie! You simply haven't come across a goal that you really want to achieve!

October has started!


There's a whole blank month in front of me!


What kind of month would make me so unbelievably happy?


What kind of feelings should I put in the center to make it a wonderful month?




Ayumu Takahashi said to me


"You look busy, but

aren't you slacking off in life?"


Keisuke Oshima reacted to this phrase.


He said he used it at a seminar (lol).


In response to this,

Takuya Fujimoto candidly? said that there are people who are at the stage 

where they should be doing what they want to do, 

and others who must do what needs to be done. 

You have to look at (consider) the audience when you talk, 

and you have to listen to them.


That's true.

That's so true.


That's why it's important to read books, Mr. Fujimoto continues.

The point is that you have to learn.


Right now,

I'm captivated by the word “possibility”.

I've been captivated by it for a long time, says Mr. Oshima.


Challenges and adventures.

The word “possibility” excites me. 


In response, Fujimoto-san

taught us the importance of extracting the four words that describe ourselves


What would they be for me?




Contribution/Supporting the growth of others

Sitting in the mud with someone (this is difficult for me ~ーー needs work on)


The first stage is to find it. (those 4 words--basically, your highest values) 

The second stage is to head towards it.

The act of heading towards it is a contribution to others.


Philosophy of Life

Having a philosophy of life


I've been searching for the words that really express this for many years.

Mr. Fujimoto says that his job is to support people in this search.


When those words emerge

a vision is born

and goals come into focus

and the purpose of “for what” comes alive...

All of this in total is part of 'desire'.


The essence of human beings is desire!

Is that from Mr. Hisui?! 


When people say, 

I  have no dreams.

I don't know myself.

That's because...

you aren't asking yourself enough questions. 

 On Motivation, 

If you have to leave the house at 8:40 in the morning,

but you woke up at 8:30.

Will you make it? Will you be motivated?


The goal is too high. 


What if the goal was to leave at 12:00?

I suddenly have time.

Slowly and leisurely (lol)

This is a goal that's too low.


Departure at 9!

Oh no!

I've got to hurry!

That's a good goal!


Reacting to the events in front of you

You can't just react to situations!

Achieving your goals is all about setting them!


I'm not good at setting goals.


"I want to go out for dinner with you"

If a cute girl said that to you,

what would you say?


“When are we going?” right?


When you want to do something,

you always set a goal and make a plan.


What if you don't?

You'll likely say “Yeah, that's a good idea” and make up some excuse. 

You won't set any goals or make any plans.


It's not that I don't have any goals

but that they're simply not goals you actually want to achieve.


Achieving your goals is 100% about setting them!


Are they goals that will lead you to your desires?!



UP&UP YouTube filming!

These will be uploaded to UP&UP's YouTube channel in a few days



For just 777 yen a month

you can use this service




You can attend as many seminars as you like!

You can also take part in weekly Q&A group consultations


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You can also attend seminars by the teachers below.


However, my meeting with Hidetoshi Tomabechi yesterday
I think will end up being a life-changing event.
Setting a crazy dream (desire)
that you don't even know how to achieve
A dream that involves structural change
You set a plan for that
However, the next day, that's all in the past
To always be under the spell of memories of the future,
you must make a plan for that dream again today. 
Don't get stuck in yesterday.
Don't use past memories
Write a story today that uses only your future memories!
The story that had the strongest impact was
that if you have someone by your side who believes in you 
and wishes for your success
unreservedly without any conditions, you will definitely succeed.
If you are a leader
or a coach
doing this is your job!



Is this the start of AI?!






 I recommendTenbintoo!






Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

