Friday, August 23, 2024

An “artist” is “a 'receptacle' for impressions that come from everywhere.”


A typhoon is coming. 

It's exactly the same time I'll be in Kyoto〜〜〜

This was Azabu Juban yesterday. 

Today's rain was crazy too! 

Picasso's words....

An artist is one who is like a receptacle, 

picking up inspirations and impressions that 

come from the heavens, the earth, a piece of paper, 

a passing form, from the spiders web, and from everywhere in between. 


What can you receive?〜





Secchan's singing lesson. 

Choir mates gathered, despite the rain.



Ethics association in Okayama the other day☆゜:*:・゜

It was an exquisite time!

Thank you for the tea lesson. 

Traditional tea ceremony teacher/



 Yesterday's Marche was wonderful.

I heard that over 1,000 people attended.

Will those who attended have an awakening?

That's exciting.




I knew that YU-san was a magician.

Today a friend told me that 

when I meet with her, 

 my energy is purified and my expression changes.

A new era is coming




This year it will be on Oct 25 and 26th. 

I'll be in Kansai.




Thank you for visiting Takumen in Kyoto. 


Life Map has begun!


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s