Investing in the future!
Real estate?
Invest in YOU,
and in building a community!
Feel the physical sensation.
Let go of the gas pedal.
And the brakes.
Life a life that's carried by luck!
This world is an illusion.
Become someone who understands he lives in an illusion!

The seminar in Mie was a great success!
Thank you so much!
Thank you RIYO
What a great team and staff members!
Thank you so much!
What a great day〜〜
Please tell us what stayed in your heart or what spoke to you!
↓↓↓Please register here!
↓↓↓↓Click here for more information about Takumi Yamazaki
↓↓↓Seminar info can be found here・・・
山崎拓巳さんのセミナー情報をまとめてみました出会いと出来事で人生は変わる。 「迷ったらGO!」 拓巳さんが提供して頂ける たくさんのチャンスを活かして 人生を素敵に♪
Thank you!
Please hold on〜〜〜
We will be sending you a PDF too〜〜
There are people you can't forget
I'll go again to Matsuzaka on the 30th〜
Thank you!!!
The boar meat you gave me, turned out so nice!
Thank you, Teru Hiraga!
Yoshiharu Nakamura who prepared the meat. Thank you so much!

This is a mysterious magical book that
somehow makes you feel lighter.
and somehow motivated!
Thank you for letting me visit〜
I'm so glad we met〜
This is meaningful!
Thank you always Kicchan!
You throw a straight line.
From the mound to everyone's heart!
Was so fun to talk about your travels in Thailand.
Salt malted chicken ham!
Oooh delicous.
Thank you so much!
Aesthetic treatment for a smaller face @Osaka
モテ小顔 梅田店|ホットペッパービューティー【ホットペッパービューティー】モテ小顔 梅田店のサロン情報。サロンの内外装、お得なクーポン、ブログ、口コミ、住所、電話番号など知りたい情報満載です。ホットペッパービューティーの24時間いつでもOKなネット予約を活用しよう!
Koishiwara Pottery [Kanehagama] Mr. Yusuke Kumagai
Thank you very much!
Keiichi, I want to connect this relationship to the future!

takumania × folkscraft
I want to apply what I learned from Mr. Akiji to the future.
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s