Today is
His Imperial Highness Prince Fumihito Akishino's 57th birthday.
We are the same age.
Let's learn from the newsletters of friends!
Mr. Shoichi Watabe used to ask his students this question:
"If you take the nose off an elephant, it ceases to be an elephant.
If you take the neck off a giraffe, it ceases to be a giraffe.
Then, what is taken from a human being to make him or her less human?"
It is a witty question.
What would you answer? I️❓️
This magazine (Chichi) thinks it is ❪heart❫.
Mr. Shinmin Sakamura has a poem titled ❪Kokoro (heart)❫.
I was born with a heart
Is there anything more precious than this?
And to use this heart so badly
Is there anything more shameful than this?
We humans are born with a heart.
Nothing is more precious than this. That is exactly right.
Without the heart, the universe and the world would not exist.
All feelings of joy and happiness would all cease to exist.
Human beings have been given such a wonderful thing from heaven.
However, there are times when we use this heart for evil.
Mr. Shinmin lamented, "What could be more shameful than this?"
The poem continues.
The most important thing is
To make the flower bloom
in this heart.
Even if it's a small flower
Let your own flower bloom
And bring it to the Buddha.
This is a poem of prayer for all those who have come into this world.
Konosuke Matsushita has this to say about the heart.
"If you open your heart, it will expand to the universe at large; if you close your heart, it will drive you to suicide."
These are words that Matsushita grasped from his own experience.
The mind is ❮a double-edged sword.❯
The mind is like the natural world; if left unchecked, weeds will grow.
Pull out those weeds and open the mind to the universe at large. One can say that is what ❮Human Studies❯ is all about.
Yayi Kusama●Louis Vuitton

My friend will publish her book.
Hitomi Minamimae!!!
On a personal note.
this is the first book on "decluttering®︎" to be published by anyone other than its advocate, Hideko Yamashita.
It will finally be available tomorrow, 12/1.
on Amazon and bookstores ❣️.
"Decluttering without Distress"
If you reserve the book in advance, you can also join the zoom call❤️
From 12/1 to 12/19, you will receive only the "zoom lecture"
Anoushka Shankar – Lasya (Official Video)
HEY JUDE - The Beatles (Live Version by Paul McCartney)
It was so fun!
The jewelry brand that she and I are working on together.
The Christmas version will be available soon!
I hope you enjoy it~~~!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s