Saturday, September 17, 2022

"Your Goal" is "the starting point for your Customer." How do you "nurture an ongoing relationship?"

Hiromi Wada's seminar was hosted in Osaka!





Lecture by Hiromi Wada


⚫️This books talks about how times are changing 


⚫️If you have been in sales for a long time, you'll have first hand experience that it's harder to get contracts now than it was 10 years ago. 


⚫️Soaring prices

⚫️Population decline

⚫️Information overload

⚫️Unlike before when there were only few things, things are now abundant. 

People are no longer happy with "stuff". 

⚫️The way we spend money is changing. 


⚫️Because of all these factors, if you are in business 

you'll know it's harder to get new customers. 


⚫️Big companies and others buy lists of personal e-mail addresses.

Used to be around 2000 yen  now it's 4000 yen 

⚫️The non-response effectiveness is poor. 

⚫️Because of such factors 

it's important to create "fans." 


⚫️You soul is reflected in your words→KOTODAMA


⚫️There are words that are better not to use. 


⚫️You shouldn't use the word "marketing" 


⚫️Marketing is becoming more and more relentless  compared to before. 

⚫️There are still some sales people chasing us. 

⚫️Things are too strategic now. 

⚫️It's money-oriented. 

Times are changing 


⚫️There are many difficult things in sales. 

⚫️Should be kind to people and to society 

⚫️If sales increases like that everyone is happier. 


⚫️The term "influencer" has become commonplace. 

⚫️People aren't moved to action by advertisements. Results show that people 

move by word of mouth. 

⚫️Only about 20% of the buzz on social networking sites results in repeat business.

⚫️Of course it's important to be successful on social media, but it's not the only thing you should be chasing.


⚫️The word-of-mouth approach depends on the person's "type." 


⚫️When an active/agressive person invites another active person. 

⚫️When a quiet reserved person invites another quiet/reserved person 


⚫️In the books, it says that 

it's better if it's someone close to you that invites you. 


⚫️But if the person is doing something looks like they are having fun, then without saying anything, others will be influenced on their own (by someone close to them)


⚫️There are two types of word-of-mouth: 

one is when the fire is ignited slowly, and the other is when it is ignited quickly.


⚫️Example of a case where word-of-mouth does not happen.

⚫️From a friend who hasn't contacted you in a while.

and suddenly being recommended something. 


⚫️If you do buy it, it won't be a repeat purchase.

⚫️"What do you always eat?" →"Healthy, in style, etc.

⚫️"You have beautiful skin! What do you use?"

⚫️"Your hair is beautiful! What hairdresser do you go to? What shampoo do you use?"

⚫️"You look happy every day! Do you have any secrets?"


It's better to let the other person ask on their own. 


⚫️People can't say no 80% of the time. (Especially Japanese).

⚫️The way you talk to them should depend on what type of person they are.

⚫️Your aura of happiness can enroll the person next to you. 

⚫️This causes a chain reaction and more happy people gather. 

⚫️This is what a true community is. 

⚫️Humans are always looking for the easy way or the easy way out.

But think about what would make you happy if you were the customer.


⚫️If you are doing something that does not/will not make you happy.

Change it.


⚫️It's not about short term sales.

⚫️Create long-term sales.



⚫️Sales until now 

Stage 1 (selective prospective clients/appointments) 

took time. 

⚫️From now on 

The most important will be Stage 3 in sales.

The follow-up.

Spend more time on follow-up. 

This will reduce the time spent on stage 1.


⚫️The customer will be the one to say. 

"It's time for you to sell to me." 

Listed companies are in Japan are like that. 


⚫️【Movie talk】


⚫️If you work for a company, you can't change the price of a product.


⚫️You can change the language.


⚫️Sitting position is also important.


⚫️The customer and the sales person.

Does the customer want to buy the most expensive thing possible?

Do they want to buy a lot?

Do they want to buy now?


Think about this and your language will change.


⚫️What is Movie Talk →"Talk that can be done with imagination"

⚫️Can be done with daily training.


⚫️Dogs, wheelchairs, strollers

You have to be the person (animal) to understand how they feel.

⚫️Humans are creatures that cannot understand each other.

⚫️But it is a world that we can imagine.


⚫️Imagine a little and your language will change.

⚫️Imagine the all the possible scenes and your words change even more.


⚫️The sales person will want to connect somehow, but if you imagine yourself as the other person a little bit, your conversations will change. 


⚫️Movie talk is just putting a little bit of effort into it.


⚫️If you put negative emotions and such in a less than perfect place, people won't repeat.

⚫️What you can do right away on the ground to become a repeat customer is 


⚫️Increase your "hassle" just a little. 


Then you can create a kind future.

⚫️The follow-up after online purchase is

Even if there is, it is DM mail. →It's mostly all a template. 

There is no human warmth.


⚫️It is important to make people feel, "I want to buy from that person."


⚫️It may not work right away, but it definitely works.

Cultivate now. 


⚫️People have their own values.

I'm not 100% sure what I'm talking about. Keep that in mind.

Incorporate the parts that you can relate to.


⚫️Don't feel like you're face-to-face with the customer.

 but rather sitting next to them.


⚫️Verbalize what was exchanged in the video.

⚫️Then you will understand what they are thinking.


⚫️Your goal is the customer's starting point.




How wonderful 〜〜〜




Group consulting happening soon!

"How to nurture an ongoing relationship?!" 

You can subscribe here!




Online community UP&UP  777 yen monthly 


Once you have registered for 777 yen, please experience this group consulting! 

I received this from people who went!

It was a great seminar〜〜〜


It looks good right〜〜〜



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s