Friday, September 16, 2022

"Leaving things to Self = State of Not Thinking" and "Nigeria Assistance."



Leaving it to self!



Why the subconscious is intelligent【Tamesue University】



Don't think about it, just leave it to self. 

Is it supposed to be a practice? !


Why can't you show your ability on the day of the competition?


In the field of sports


It's a place where, 

where you can't move in time 

even if you are conscious of it.


Knowing what's going on will always 

likely slow you down


If you don't think about it

the subconscious world starts to move


It is important to do it unconsciously

Leave it to the body. Entrust. 


You're noticing too much in the production.


How do we create a state of not thinking? !


Humans live in a state of unconsciousness.

Entrust it to your body.


See things in a more spaced out way. (not as clearly)


We'll get together from 7:30 p.m. onwards.

Let's get together!

Come if you can!


Let's share the excitement of the magic show!




From morning "Become a luminescent human with fermented foods!"




The U.S. media also widely reported No. 55 Munetaka Murakami 

"The most impactful player in the world does not play in the US" (Chunichi sports) 


Reactions like this from overseas〜〜〜

"The most impactful player in the world does not play in the US" 






People who can't act individually are more likely to become troublesome adults 

than those who can't act collectively.

When I was young, I was taught to be cooperative and to act in groups.

People who preferred individual behavior were treated as heretics.

Now that I am an adult, I have the impression that

people who can't act individually are more likely to become troublesome adults than those who can't act collectively.

I wonder if we have acquired a "swimmy" nature.

Being strong in a group, but weak as individuals.

You have to force those who are different from you to follow you.

They become part of the "harmony" as a member of the Swimmy Union.

And those who don't conform are excluded, forming a kind of village society.

A constitution that is strictly interfering and is always concerned about others.

A life of always watching others and always being watched by others

Even if they feel stressed about it, they don't know how to live as an "individual".

In the end, they can only choose to live in accordance with "harmony."

I can only think of how cramped this life must be. 

People who I think "this person seems to be happy in life"

are usually people who live their lives based on individual behavior.

They don't tie themselves to others, they don't tie others to themselves, 

and they live freely and unrestrainedly.

I can go out on my own on a whim, without being disturbed by "harmony".

I can say what I want to say without reading the room. 

And yet, because they do not bind others, they promise freedom to others as well.

Therefore, people with "individuality" attract such people. 

And that's how a community that respects each other's individuality is formed.

Just because you live a life based on individual behavior, it doesn't mean you are isolated.

I believe that such a community is an adult community.

There is no shame in being alone.

Not being able to be alone is shameful

Because there is no harm in being isolated from others

No matter what the circumstances, don't lose sight of yourself

Don't lose yourself in any environment, just stay resolute and aloof and you'll be fine.



⭐️To all Namazers 

A Namazer: people who are donated towrds the food of the Namazu (catfish)

@Takumi Yamazaki  named this. Thank you! 


"Operation 'Catfish farming" to fill the stomachs of 200 million people in Nigeria" 

that I support

〜〜〜 〜〜〜 〜〜〜

Regarding the catfish theft that many were concerned about, Mr. Ito, President of the Taiyo International Foundation, has made an announcement on the Foundation's website. The details can be found here



During my business trip to Nigeria in August, I also saw the scene. There were no guards, no breeding personnel, no catfish, and no water. It was very hot and the grass was just starting to grow.


What happened on the grounds of the National University of Abuja was taken very seriously by the university, and security will be tightened. They plan to reopen around February next year.


Donations from the online salon [Namazu Club] have covered up to about 25% of the monthly feeding costs for the past year. We will keep the donations collected from our online salon members to fund our reopening.


The stolen catfish must have filled someone's stomach, and the water pumps and aquaculture ponds we installed with funds raised through crowdfunding last year remain, as does our will.


We will take a break for a while and start again.

Please continue to support us. Thank you very much.


Yukorin Online Salon

Yuko Sagara, President of "Namazu Club"




Unlucky but not unhappy

Do you know what parents love and raise their children for?

It's so that they can survive even if you are no longer there to care for them someday. 

That is why we put our heart and soul (love) into our children.

When they are able to walk on their own,

When they speak for the first time

When they leave their parents' hands and enter kindergarten

When they ride the bicycle for the first time

When they reach puberty and become closer to adults

When they become an adult and are able to earn money on their own

Nothing makes me happier than to see my children grow, 

one by one, out of the hands of their parents.

That's what makes a parent's life worth living.

The greatest filial piety is to show them that they can live even if their parents are gone.

What happened with your father was unfortunate. 

It's also unfortunate that he came to an untimely "death".

there is a difference between bad luck and unhappiness. 

Why is that sad, why is that painful

It's because you've been brought up with a lot of love

That's why you feel sad about it, isn't it?

Can you say that you are unhappy about that fact?

Pain and sadness are proof of happiness.

You may be unlucky, but you are not unhappy.

To live well on your own without your parents is to repay their love.

To live your life with the determination that no matter what happens.

You have to live your life in a way that you can say, "Thank you for giving birth to me.

Otherwise your parents will only be sad.

It's a blessing to have someone to remember. 

You'll see.

You are happy even at a time like this.



Osaka publishing conference!



To those who want to publish e-books

I hope to teach people who want to publish a book at a reasonable price.




The latest information on the main area "Ghibli's Grand Warehouse" is now available!

Video exhibition rooms, special exhibitions, stores and cafes♪






Part 1 of 633 "How to Stop Living a Life Driven by Money?" Ken Honda's Counseling on Life

~Dear Ken~ | KEN HONDA |


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s