Saturday, September 3, 2022

Invest (not consume) time! Create a system! Shorten the time, condense it, increase the quality!

This was impressive〜〜〜

Thank you, Kaoru-san! 


The big celebration stage!


A huge congratulations〜〜〜〜〜〜



A class on using Mercari!

Thank you! 


we're looking forward to part 2 as well. 



Notes from yesterday's learning. 


I probably received this video as a courtesy.

So I won't mention the name.

He is a super investor and runs about 30 businesses. 

When I met him I learned a lot, but

I wasn't allowed to post a picture of him, so I won't mention his name.

A TO DO list is the part of the branches & leaves (not the core/stem)




Time management




Invest your time (not consume)

= so that it grows like passive income!


Get greater results in less time! 

How to use time the way management should. 


Don't just do the job in front of you,

create a system!

Any tool will do.


The point is, where do you set your goals?!


I try to write it down on a mind map!


Writing down thoughts and concerns


He does it using "Mindjet"


People who are not good at time management

are often just working with priorities and TODO lists

=They are just doing the work right in front of them



↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Shortening the time.

Concentrating it

Improving quality


I do an hour of PC input work daily. 

I cannot touch type, so speed is normal. 



Learn how to touch type (=investment)

1 hour x 7 days

60 minutes of work ends up taking only 30 minutes. 


Learn about other companies

Read books

Get consulting


Same for examinations

Thoroughly study past papers

Narrow it down and narrow it down

All you have to go is get one point more than the passing score


Success stories of other companies    Failure stories

On Podcast Premium, 

I talk about best practices/business models.



Just "doing half of what you do now" isn't enough. 


Think about it in one-tenth or one-fifth the time! 

= Let someone else do it!


Eventually entrusting your entire company to another person. 


Business owners don't have to be good

Skills are not necessary

Hire the people needed! 


Think of time as a stock investment


Sell at 300 million (50-60 million yen annual profit)

Increase it at around at 7% at a private bank


After 10 years, 600 million

After 20 years 1.2 billion

After 30 years 2.4 billion

and it keeps growing! 

How to spend your money.

Visualize it!

In Excel


You can see what kind of money you spent


Visualize your time (Housekeeping of your time)

2 months worth, in increments of 30 minutes


It will allow you to visualize your life patterns

e.g.) What time did you take a bath?


Color-coded into 4 categories

Self-investment (input/learning/business school)

Output (work/practice) 


Time for living (eating/bathing/sleeping/exercising/meditation)

Private time (valuable time/not valuable time)

↓↓↓↓ and

Verify your inputs and outputs

Are they leading to results?!


Time not related to results = reserves

There are 1-2 hours a day!

That makes 60 hours per month


Is there something I can systemize?! Repeat the process. 

Getting 7 hours of sleep.

If you can't change the time, do something to improve the quality.

Writing everything on a mind map is a great way to

minimize anxiety and sleep with an empty head


Bathing 90 minutes before sleep

Pillow, mattress ...

Room temperature 19 degrees, humidity

Blue light


1 hour of exercise

I'm researching it!


Private life

doesn't need to be efficient! 

Make it inefficient! 



Set a timetable!

Set a pattern for your life!!!





Put in your living time #3!





Put in #4 private life!




Time for self-investment!




Add an hour or two of blank time every day!


*Timetable cannot accommodate irregularities




If you create a time schedule

life becomes more comfortable ~~~~!

Making life a habit/pattern = increases concentration!


How much you can concentrate on your business?!

That's what determines it!

To focus on output create time tables! 


Create routines in your life 




State of being in the zone


Results will explode!


Cybozu is easy to use

Mind mapping is great!




I had lunch in Hiroo. Thank you for a fun time! 

I ate ramen (lol) 

Thank you, AKANE

Thank you very much, AYAKA! 


I'm making more and more karate friends, even though I've never done it before~!

I'm grateful to meet such people〜〜〜



I'm rooting for you〜〜〜〜


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s