Monday, June 6, 2022

It's now an era of working with an internal impulse = "I can't help but do it!" Problems of material poverty have already been solved.


"The Future of Business" by Shu Yamaguchi, summarized in a bombastic way


Things in all its form are overflowing


From now on



We will move from 


"Economic rationality" (likely to be profitable)



"Internal impulse" (I can't help but do it)


Now that we have what we need,

in the amount that we need. 


= Business has completed its mission


Business solves material dissatisfaction

= Mature society


Example: running water/car/microwave oven


Low growth


Mature societies decline


In a world like this

when you develop a business based on economic rationality


The true form of marketing ends up being =

 selling something you don't want or need. 

Selling what you don't need by making it look like you need it!




Being driven by an internal impulse!




Want to connect people with people



Delicious ramen at home



Equal information for everyone



It's not about "making money".

It's an impulse of the heart, 

because "I want to make it a reality." 


Hard work is no match for genius.

Genius is no match for infatuation


Passionate feelings like fire

Curiosity that asks for nothing in return!!!


Where the discrepancy is great, there is also opportunity. 


This is the winning pattern

This is the standard

Where this is important, there is a gap!


From the Warring States Period to the Edo Period

People say, "This is the best!" "The worst!" by different people.


GAFA ↓↓↓↓


Google 25


Amazon 31

Bill Gates 18


Age of founders when they founded the company

Average age 24

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Approximate age of new employees in Japan

Negative Capability.


Why couldn't we build GAFA!?


80~90's Digital Revolution

Now Corona is coming again. 

Remote Work


Real Estate


Marketing, etc.

Everything changes, resets



Experience is less useful. 

Young people should not discount themselves

just because others put them down. 


The most important question a young person wants to ask HR

"How many days a week do we need to go to work?"


"You can work remotely" is a "recruitment strategy".

1.2 billion people in developed countries are targeted

Japanese fighting against Californian companies that pay 20 million yen for new hires



We're not in a plateau, we're in a stable phase!


What do we work for

What should we live for?


What future should we aim for?!




1) We are already happy

2) What does it mean to live like a human being?

3) Problems that cannot be solved by economic rationality



1)We are already happy 

Growth over the past 200 years


Working hard for material wealth is "x"

Problems of material poverty have already been solved. 

This is the first time in mankind. 


Greatly increase the number of people who feel high satisfaction → Success

Greatly reduce the number of people who feel low satisfaction → Failure


Some people are left behind


A world where no one is left behind

Economy remains sluggish

↓↓↓↓ However

"Life satisfaction" and "levels of happiness" improves significantly. 


There is no great meaning in growing the economy


"The society that people in the past dreamed of" is being realized now. 


Something is missing...

What is it?


Economic hegemony determines happiness?

It's more than that.

Coexistence is more important!


Business is

has lost its mission!


Material poverty is over


Quality of life

A sense of well-being is now important


A life of working to get things is over

We are entering an era of searching for new values. 

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓



(Forcibly creating dissatisfaction)



Developed countries → Depression

Loss of meaning (materially satisfied)

BY Nietzsche


2)What does it meant to live like a human being? 


What do we live for?

What do we aspire to?



A bigger country, prosperous country?

Is there a need to make more?

Now that material poverty has been solved...


What is the goal from now on?


The Great Reset!!!


A society that makes people happy


Capitalism -> capital has lost its meaning

Talentism -> entrepreneurship and talent

Breaking away from capitalism

Infinite proliferation isn't necessary

0% interest rate

No economy grows purely over time!

We need to rethink capitalism


More than economic development

We should live for a better society


What else can we grow besides the economy?!

Poverty of the mind


Find your values!!!


3)Problems that cannot be solved by economic rationality. 


There are those that are left behind.

Less universal problems

Problems with high difficulty


Daily meals

13.6% of the population


Child poverty

Japan has the worst situation in OECD countries


The Human Condition Saint Exupery

You were thought to have nothing to do with it

Shame in the face of certain misery


To solve a problem that economic rationality cannot suture

People with impulses (who can't help but do so)


Solve problems by impulse


Protect the lives of such people!


This video 


It's gonna be bad if people continue as is and get out of control





Today we went to world heritage sites and snowmobiling! (lol)

Grass on the lava!!!

We're going snowmobiling on the glacier!!!

We went to a waterfall too〜〜〜

And then・・・

we saw the Strockel geyser

Earth Fissures 
World Heritage


The man they called a lying bastard.
What happened from there?

Nobody wants to have a war
China, you got it!
What? and...
Mr. Pakistan...





Do this and your facial lines will disappear?!

Try it 60 seconds before you sleep!!!




Chin 15 seconds

Temple 15 seconds

Neck 15 seconds

Cheekbones 15 seconds for 1 minute


Bedtime challenge!

I want to go here next time

Clam Ramen in Roppongi

Ramen Hamaya Roppongi


Thank you for purchasing 100 copies of "How to Say Things in a Cute way"
I'll give a seminar sometime soon~!

Grateful to everyone in each region


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s