Tuesday, June 7, 2022

How to change your life→"Choose" Change it drastically→"A big decision" There is a Parallel world

Today I went horse riding!

And experienced a floating massage!

Zero Gravity Massage does something to your brain~~~!


Many Worlds Interpretation...

Parallel Worlds


Quantum is a "wave" and a "subatomic particle". There are two sides. 

The Observation Problem!



When observed

From a state of fuzziness → it materializes

Entering into each state that exists in parallel!


Quantum entanglement


Spooky remote action


Simultaneous existence in equilibrium


Parallel worlds do exist


It can explain what the Copenhagen Interpretation cannot explain!

There is another universe with a misaligned history!




The math doesn't add up without 11 dimensions.

Does a 5 dimensional world exist?!!!


Parallel worlds


Multiverse theory


There are many junctions in life

There are as many lives as there are these junctions! 

By deciding which path you choose, 

the world you will go to is determined

All possibilities exist, but

 it doesn't happen, if it's not chosen. 


Choose how you want to be!


Make the choices that expands your life!




I wanna try this!!!




It makes me hungry〜〜〜〜!




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

