Tuesday, December 14, 2021

This world is an illusion. Understand that and enjoy it!

Today I'm in Mie and Osaka! 

Yesterday in Nagoya was so so fun〜〜〜〜

A lot of people came, 

and we sold about 100 copies  

of the book at the venue.

Thank you very much!


To all those who bought the book... ♪

Please check this out ↓↓↓

Please post in your stories. 

I'll send the first batch of bonus videos!


Week 1 is "Live Broadcast of what's happening inside you" (Dec. 13-)

Week 2 is "GIVE & LOVE" (Dec. 20-)

Week 3: "How to Develop a Relationship" (Dec. 27-)

Week 4: "Pray for Good Health" (Jan. 3 -)

Week 5: "Need for validation" (Jan. 10 -)

Week 6: "NG videos(lol)" (January 17 -)


We're running this dream plan. 

↓↓↓See details here↓↓↓


At yesterday's speed,

probably it was hard to grasp everything.

That's our support LINE group for this book!

Please do register. 


And this is

 Takumi Yamazaki's information line!




And all the certified coaching instructors.

And my friends in the beauty club.

Thank you very much.

Everyone in the bookstores, 

Sanctuary Publishing

Thank you so much!


Yesterday we had a meeting about Takumania. 









Thin down vest

Pink parker 


Thank you Ishibashi-san and Gucci. 

That was tea time that was extremely impactful〜♪




On to today's learning~~!




Hiramoto-san's coaching was fantastic! 


I heard that 

30 minutes of coaching

once a week is 

very effective!!!!


Different themes depending on the day. 

For example, 

Today is about meditation. 

Today I'm going to help you organize your mind.

Today I'm going to help draw out your future vision...


He said I should do this with each leader〜♪

He asked me, "Do you know Mr. Harari?

I said, "Yes," without confidence...


The Complete History of Sapiens The Past History of Mankind

Homo Zeus: Predicting the Future of Humankind

21 lessons, now. What is important.


Cognitive Revolution

Agricultural Revolution

Scientific Revolution




The Complete History of Sapiens


Cognitive Revolution 

Neanderthals were superior.

And yet homo sapiens survived.



Compared to the Neanderthals who thought 

"All we have is what we see."

Homo sapiens, the creators of fiction, get the upper hand.


Fiction, lies, rumors, imagination...

Maybe there is a God!


Agricultural Revolution 


Able to have lots of children 

Whether they knew when to sow, water, etc.?

Gap between rich and poor

Money, gods, kings, etc.

Producing fictions and creating class differences


Scientific revolution

When we make observations

we discover what we don't know


Produce weapons and military power


From religion to science?!


Changed to a new fiction of ideology


Humanity First


People, cows, pigs, and chickens

90+% of all mammals




Humanity Becomes God


Three great fears.

・War. It's very rare now.

・Hunger. There were 500 million people on Earth 500 years ago. There is 8 billion now. More people suffer from obesity than from hunger.

・Epidemics  Corona still doesn't compare to past epidemics.


Biotech, artificial legs, AI...

Explosive exhibition


Humans will be gods


God = DATA and Algorithms


There is a God.


DATA and Algorithm


Humans as livestock

No different from pigs and cows?


The unconscious is in charge of human behavior. (unconscious behavior) 

Some companies that collect data from the unconscious will decipher the unconscious algorithm and provide it to you.



Breaking free from the narrative

Look at yourself




Our stories (fiction)

create our self and our thoughts


We are creating our own problems.


Reference to "nothingness" by Yu Suzuki

【最新刊】鈴木祐「無=(最高の状態)」を世界一わかりやすく要約してみた【本要約】※本動画はクロスメディア・パブリッシング様から許諾を得て配信しております。▼著者様のブログ:パレオな男https://yuchrszk.blogspot.com/▼Amazon【無=(最高の状態)】https://amzn.to/3eVUrjp▼【目次】0:00 ご挨拶0:58 本日のお品書き1:12 ...リンクwww.youtube.com


The idea that 
Human life is important.
Even money
It's all fiction! (An Illusion!)
Break free from that.
You'll feel absolutely safe.


How do you break free?

Think of it as fiction and enjoy it.

Buy as you know Amazon is luring your into buying (lol) 


Human thoughts, feelings, reactions...

90+% of everything is determined by the unconscious.


There is an algorithm

↓ ↓ ↓ ↓

Until now.

I only knew my neighbors.


The unconscious responds before the conscious.


Realize this.




Wow, what a great session 〜〜〜

It was an incredible session 〜〜〜〜


Mr. Hiramoto, smashed it! (lol) 












Takumi Yamazaki's New Book


To celebrate the release of Takumi Yamazaki's new book, "How to Say Something Cute to Make People Feel Good", we will be holding a "Q&A Group Consultation"!


You'll have a chance to hear Takumi Yamazaki talk about the birth of his new book, and he'll be available to answer your questions!




Takumi Yamazaki 


『Group consulting Q&A』


★Limited to 10 people!★



Date: December 26th (Sun)


Time: 10:00 -12:00


Venue: GFA Shibuya Studio

Aristo Floor, 37-15 Udagawa-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

Global Financial Academy


Fee: 5,500 yen

(black star) Limited to 10 people (black star)











Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

