Sunday, September 19, 2021

A new "goal setting"! That there are more goals beyond the goal! If it doesn't excite you, re-set it!



I received this from a friend〜〜〜


The timing of re-goal setting!!!


1。The stage of knowing how to achieve the goal 


  Method changes = within  your self-image

Should re-set goals for things that are outside what you currently know how


2。When you can see the goal clearly 


  Goal should be set outside the current situation

  So it shouldn't look so clear

  If you can see it clearly, it means you set a goal that is 

      within the realm of what you already know 


3。When your energy is weak 


  Narrowing the gap with the goal = weakened energy

  The gap between the goal and you widens (you go outside).


4。When your self-image of having reached your goal becomes more realistic 


  When you have a goal-appropriate efficacy through affirmations and    visualization=It's the same as you having achieved the goal.

  Re-set the goal to one that requires more efficacy


5。When you find another good goal on the way to your goal 


  When on the way to your goal, you no longer have scotoma (near-sightedness) and find a new goal! Reset it!


6。When the goal becomes a "have to" goal 


  There are times when your "want to" goal becomes a have to, 

    when you find a more abstract "want to". Then it's time to reset!  



7。When you start negative self-talk 


  have to = negative self-talk begins!

  Re-set the goal so that it is only a want to!


8。When you realize that it's  goal that was given to you by someone else


      You need to set your own goals.

  When you realize that the goal was given to you by someone else, reset it.

  Even if it is the same goal, it's necessary that you set it yourself!



9。When the preconditions as when you set your goal change 


   When the preconditions change → Time to reset! 


10。At any time


  Don't let the goal become "the limit of your imagination"

   There are more goals beyond the goal!

  Re-set it beyond the limits of your current imagination!

  You can always reset at any time! 




So interesting !!!


When my mother Sumie went to heaven ・・・


山崎拓巳『母が天国に行きました。』母が天国に行きました。 生前はほんと、沢山の人たちに声がけをいただいた母です。 本当にありがとうございました。 しっかり地球でやることやってもとの世界にもどっ…リンク

My mother went to Heaven

On the morning of the funeral I had a dream. 

In my dream, I was attending Yayoi Oguma's seminar. 

In my dream, Yayoi-sa was saying, 

Decide that you'll DO IT!  

"Once you decide you'll do it, you can achieve it through your subconscious!" 

I jumped up awake. 

After the funeral, I sent Yayoi-san a LINE and told her about my dream. 

She said, "That's all of what I'm teaching now...." lol 

Once you decide you'll "do something!" your RAS antenna gets working 

and things can be achieved not through "effort" but through the help of your "subconscious" 

 Change your RAS settings!!!! 99.9% can go to the trash!


■How to mind works 

  • We can only see and hear what we "consciously perceive". 
  → Examples: When you become pregnant, you start seeing pregnant woman everywhere  you go, or you see the car you want all over〜〜〜
  • The first step is to become aware of the "points that you subconsciously pay attention to" and the "points that unconsciously miss" which are shaped by the influence of others. 

  →You see yourself through the eyes of a third person (meta-awareness).

   If  you become aware of the subconscious you can do magic!



■Self-image and self talk 

  • Self-image is created by self-talk 
  • Therefore, if you don't control your self-talk, your self-talk with control you. 
  • It's important to change your self-talk from negative "I can't do it" "I should do it" and "I won't do such and such anymore" to a more future-oriented, "Next time I'll do such and such. 
  →Listen to the "conversation" that is repeating in your mind.
   Listen to that conversation as a third party.

■Goal setting

  • What is most important in changing your mind is to set a new "goal" 
  • People do not change by merely setting a goal that is an extension of their current situation. 
  • You should set a goal that you "can't help yourself but want to do" and a goal  that you "don't know how to achieve"  
  →The table/graph above is wonderful!   



  • Think of "the cause being in the future, the present is where it happens, and the results become the past" 
  • Embody the state of having achieved your goal so clearly and specifically that you can "feel it with your 5 senses" 
  • Stop using "have to" as a compulsive motivator and choose only "want to" as a constructive motivator

  → "The cause is in the future, the present is where it happens, and the result is in the past."
   The cause of the present is due to "setting goals for the future".
   The present looks the way it does because of what we are trying to do with the future!
   Thereby, the outcome is formed like the past (how we perceive the past)!!!
   The future is not created by a current cause. 
   Your goal setting for the future makes you perceive yourself as such in the present!!!

 Therefore, what's important is 
goal visualization!!!



  • To increase self-esteem (1) try to describe your past successes as specifically as you can (2) accept praise from others humbly and honestly. 
  • The basis for all of this is "mindfulness". It is important to face your own mind and be aware of what kind of self-talk you are doing, what kind of judgements you are making unconsciously, and "what you truly want to do. 

   *↓↓↓Infuse the future with energy from the five proudest events of the past.

山崎拓巳『無意識が夢を叶えてくれる!「やる!」を決める!RASが動き始める!』 本当に疲れが取れる【5分で寝落ち・睡眠用bgm】一気に眠りへ導く瞑想音楽とソルフェジオ周波数で心身を徹底的に修復していく…ストレス緩和、疲労回復を促す熟睡で…リンク


Change your RAS settings!!!! 99.9% can go to the trash!

山崎拓巳『バシャール 振り返り会! 今、心が動くのは・・・「キャンピングカーが欲しい!」』  今日の22時からインスタライブ です!先日のバシャール 振り返り会!!!  この瞬間より大事なものなんてない 今ここが人生の目的地なんだ Bashar×山…リンク



↓↓↓The core of my "WANT TO" right now is to have a "camping car"  〜〜〜

        What is it you want to do from the bottom of your heart?! 

About Bashar....what moves my heart now is "I want a camping car!"



Last last night・・・

I talked about "deciding to do something!" on IGTV live (lol) 

Thank you, Yuri-san




Here you can watch the recording of it IGTV!↓↓↓


For all the 300 people who participated so late! 

Thank you so much! 


Future goal setting determines

how you perceive your current reality

and creates the results that we call the past! 


We tend to set goals that are an extension of our current situation

We set goals that are an extension of our current situation.


But that is also known as "maintaining the status quo". 

"You're just setting a goal to maintain the status quo.


Do it! Decide!

Get excited and choose from your heart!

What is the future you really want?


That's...not saying, 

I'll think about it later.

Don't postpone.

Don't put it on hold.


Decide quickly.

Start doing it quickly!


If it doesn't work, you can always change it.

It's always okay to "reset the goal anytime!" 


The goal comes first.

How to do it comes later.


Goals are not set to 

 change the future!


Goals are for you to 

change your present.

You have them to change who you are now!


The goal is to

Change your perception of the present.

and change the outcome of the past!


You can set such a goal

I think I can do it today. (laughs)




Thank you always 〜〜〜♪

Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s