Last nights IG LIVE☆゜:*:・゜
was outstanding!
Shizuka Ouki outdid us〜〜〜
You can see it on IGTV!!!
Well Being=Feeling good
There is nothing more important than that!
You can't create reality from a place of lack
example) you have life. You have a family. Everyone is there for you and you're happy.
You can already be fulfilled and happy even if you don't gain anything else.
If you feel confused・・・
Come back to this present moment now= There is no problem (everything is okay)
Do what you want to do.
Take a deep breath!
What you want to do
Feel the feelings in your body
and let it out!!!!
Even if you don't have anything, you can be happy
But if something does happen, you can be even more happy! !!!
I describe this as a "circle that has missing parts".
If you keep trying to fill the missing part and make the circle bigger and bigger,
the hole (lack) will become bigger and bigger in relativity.
What's important is to create a true circle with what you already have.
People can't stand the pain of letting go of what they have already gained.
But do it in your head, as play.
Even if you did let it go,
you're plenty happy with what you already have, right?
In that true circle ・・・
You are happy even without anything more.
From there, if you're interested in a bigger size, then you can work to make that circle bigger!
Not from a place of lack, but a place of already having everything that you need.
When emotions come up,
it's okay even if they are negative!
Feel and experience them all!
By doing that you can release the emotions!!!
It shouldn't be "I have to feel good!"
If you feel down, allow yourself to feel that!!!
Don't force things!
Whatever comes out from inside of you is good.
Don't put a lid on it or suppress it!
Experiencing it fully will allow you to release it
Think about just how much your thought patterns and habits
are disturbing your life?!
Consolidate it with colors and shapes〜〜〜
Super sensation method one
Come back to the here and now and breathe deeply
Takumi Yamazaki style ・・・
Write out your worries!
Change the channel you are tuned into!
Feel all the sadness
Give yourself permission to do so!
Feel it all!
Cry it all out・・・
If you see it from a higher perspective,
it's all ecstasy
Crying =Healing sadness
Hello goofy faces
If you make a goofy face and say Yahooo!
then your thoughts will stop !!!
Having a stern face is making you unhappy!
Right now is an important time for Earth
Remember that you have power!
It's a opportunity to take that power back!
We believe only the 5% that we can see with our eyes
but 95% of things can't be seen
Use that 95% on sensory perception
Switch it around
Live doing what you love!
In this moment, breathe deeply!!
Do it right now〜〜〜♪
Don't put in other people's words
Put in your own words

8th win --40th home run
Go for it〜〜〜〜
Everyone in East Hiroshima the other day!!!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s