Sunday, July 25, 2021

People who have good luck do.....

 From Iida from Getters 

I received this from my friend Aya 


People with good luck・・・


・Say "I'm lucky" 

・Are polite 

・Can wait their turn 

・Are high class

・Are good at complimenting others

・Can listen to others until the end 

・Don't easily say "But" or make excuses 

・Know how to enjoy themselves 

・Are quick to respond to messages

・Don't send long mails 

・Wear a watch 

・Don't say they are unlucky 

・Don't blame things on luck 



【NHK】Highlights of July 24th | Tokyo Olympics 






Japan will likely wake up 

after the Beijing Olympics when they see the 

huge difference between the Tokyo Olympics !!!




A treasure trove of learning↓↓↓

Motivation Channel!



やる気のチャンネル昨日のやる気を今日出せないすべての人へーー やる気やモチベーションアップのプロが、様々な分野の専門知識とモチベーション継続のコツをご紹介します!^^ ▶チャンネル登録はこちらから: 動画制作編集担当▶Movie Accademeia(ムービー…リンク




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s