”If the world were a village of 100 people Food version"
世界がもし100人の村だったら たべもの編』
There are 6.5 billion people in the world,
but what would happen if that were shrunk into a village of 100 people.
How would the <food> situation change?
Among 100 people,
47 people would be living in the countryside and
53 people in the city.
There would be 20 people who are making food raising livestock and tilling fields
15 people would be Asians
3 would be Africans and
2 would be from North and South America/Europe.
Out of the 20 farmers,
13 people would be tilling the fields with a tractor
and 7 people by hand.
The village people
would be gaining over half of their food energy from grains.
Out of the 100 village people
50 would be eating mostly rice
26 people mostly wheat,
7 people mostly corn and potatoes etc. as their staple food.
Out of the 100 village people,
16 people would be living off of over 1.1 million yen a year
and will be eating a variety of different foods.
Among those 16, 2 of them would be Japanese
ad are living on an average annual income of 3.6 million.
43 people live on an annual income of 640,000 yen and are eating enough food.
41 people are living on annual income of less than 80,000 yen, and can only eat sometimes.
Out of the 100 people, 15 of them are overweight.
In America, one person is taking 50 teaspoons of sugar.
In Japan it's 12 teaspoons.
If the American adults were shrunk to 100 people,
60 of them would be overweight.
Among them, 14 would be extremely obese.
If the American children were shrunk to 100 people,
25 of them would be overweight.
In America, obesity is the second highest cause of death.
If the world were a village of 100 people,
75 people are eating 20 kgs of meat a year
25 people are eating 80 kgs of meat a year.
In the village, whether or not they eat meat
varies depending on the country and culture.
But now, anyone can eat whatever they want as long as they have the money.
The meat that one person eats in a year,
is 5 kgs in India
45 kilos in China
and 80 kgs in Italy.
The eggs that one person eat in a year is
30 in India
174 in America
and 226 in Japan.
Livestock feed is grain.
Eating meat, milk ad eggs is also eating grain.
For example if you eat 1 kg of meat,
it's the same as eating 11 kilos of grain.
In this village, if there were 100 fish that could be fished,
18 would be in China
9 in Peru
5 in America
5 in Japan
5 in Indonesia.
But because of overfishing, fish are decreasing in three fourths of the fishing grounds.
Besides the 100 fish,
50 of the fish the village eats is farmed.
These farmed fish are raised in a surrounded area,
and are given feed that makes them fat.
They are also given alot of medicine to prevent disease and kills parasites.
Tractors are used in the field,
make chemical fertilizers and pesticides
process food in the factories
creates something to wrap it,
and carrying it also takes petroleum.
In America, for a family of 4
to make a years worth of beef
uses 1000 liters of petroleum.
In America, 15% of the petroleum is used for food.
In Japan where we live,
we are blessed with seasonal food.
What happens with <food> there?
In Europe, many of the countries are very small.
But their food self-sufficiency rate is
121% in France
99% in Germany
61% in the UK,
40% in Japan.
60% of our bodies
is using resources from other countries,
and is eating food made in other countries.
70% of our food is made in fields in other countries.
The water used to create our food for a year in other countries is 1.1 times all the water used in Japan.
The self-sufficiency rate for grains in Japan is 28%.
Even in the desert of Saudi Arabia it's 29%.
The self-sufficiency rate of soy is 5%, and most of the wheat and vegetables are imported.
Over 70% of the feed for wagyu is also imported.
If we were to survive on the food only made in Japan,
we would have to decrease our calorie intake from 2600 kcal to 1900 kcal.
We would have to decrease
our grain consumption by wheat,
our meat consumption by 90%
decrease our consumption of oil and butter by 90%,
and fish by 15%,
and increase potatoes by 600%.
In Japan, out of the food costs,
8% goes to fresh foods,
30% to eating out
and 62% to processed foods.
Japan imports the most processed foods in the world.
Additives are indispensable for processed foods.
This means that in Japan, one person eats 24 kgs of 1500 types of additives in a year.
If the grade school students and high school students were 100 people,
77 would definitely eat breakfast.
19 would sometimes not eat breakfast and two would hardly ever eat breakfast.
70 would sometimes leave food after their school lunch.
In Japan, we create the most food waste in the world.
The food waste that we create is over 20 million tons a year.
The world's food aid is 10 million tons a year.
Excerpted from "If the world were a village of 100 people--food version" (Kayoko Ikeda + Magazine house edition)
The world is definitely getting better and better.
Extreme poverty in the world
↓↓↓In the past 20 years
has halved
1 year old's in the world
↓↓↓The children who are vaccinated are
The brain has a habit of dramatizing things!
1)Division instinct
We have a habit to divide things into polar opposites
We really like to separate things into two
Know that there is a gradation →There is a grey zone
2)Negativity bias
We have a habit of thinking the world is getting worse and worse.
It's partly the fault of the media.
Lawful slavery
Infant mortality
HIV infections
War casualties
Electricity use rate
Safe drinking water
Female suffering
Scientific discoveries
The news doesn't talk about this
The world is definitely getting better and better.
Don't believe everything the media says.
The media is a medium that intentionally uses fear to increase viewership.
If you're interested in something, look at the data!!!
Information from Mr. Ita
💬This announcement has a pretty big impact!!
With BASE and STORES one can easily create a EC site, and Mercari SHOPS will correspond to the existing Mercari, so it's quite high profile for businesses who want to sell to Mercari users!?
🌐Mercari SHOPS
Yesterday I reunited with a senior from college for the first time in 35 years!
↓↓↓My senior is running a "school for mothers" !!!
↓↓↓ ↓↓↓ ↓↓↓
If parents change, the children will change too!
Course content
① Become good at giving compliments
② Becoming good at reprimanding
③ Becoming good at communicating and good at listening
④ Graduate from becoming a nagging mother
⑤ Tips for raising different types of children (eco
⑥ Magic tips for children to move without being told
⑦ Let's let the talents of the children and the mothers blossom!
It looks interesting !
This is my senior〜〜〜
↓↓↓ ↓↓↓ ↓↓↓
I made Tamae-san through Eri-chan ・・・
Dreams Come True Memorial💕

I was moved by Nakakawa-kun's heartfelt talk
He's challenge himself now〜〜〜
Working as a team is power to change the future 〜〜〜
The power of believing!
The brain reflects the world you believe in 〜!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s