Wednesday, June 30, 2021

"Future prediction a matter of life and death" Information is there for you if you reach out!



1) India and Africa is growing rapidly!!!

China growth is a bit more lenient now





Don't see things with a 10 year old image. 

Vital statistics (What's happening with the population?!) 

 Is it increasing? What age range? 


Japan/ The population is decreasing 

Aging population and declining birthrate  

Which countries will grow from here?! 

One-third of the new born babies are born in Africa〜〜〜


The area of Africa is the same size 

as America + China +India+ Europe + Japan combined!!!


The Population 

and technology 

Africa is exploding!!!


Silicon Savanna 

(that's what the capital of Kenya is called) 

Leap frog 

Because they were delayed, 

they might overtake developed countries! 

Population ranking of 2030 

1。South/ Mid Asia (India) 



The population of India is outstanding! 

It will overtake the populate of China!! (China has a one child policy) 

Social capitalism=As the economic level rises, people get married late 

FCC mark  American product standard 

CE mark   Europe product standard 

They adjust their products to the country of consumption 


↓↓↓The main market will change↓↓↓


Will change to Africa and India 〜〜〜


The country of consumption is who creates the rules 

Japan had a large population so far so it could survive so far internally, 

but the population will continue to decrease 〜〜〜


The places for immigrants to go will also change 

Refusing immigrants will cause a decline 

Especially because developed  countries have a declining population! 


Changing times 

Decline in population



Population is concentrated in the city

55% of the population living in 1% of the Area mass

using 80% of the energy 

Don't get the new middle class wrong!!!

They are no longer the poor class!

They have different tastes from the old middle class 


They are in Africa and India!!!


2)Disruptive Technology //Technological progress 

How will it change the world?

Don't fight progress!!!



3D printer


Nano technology



Not creating more garbage 


VR medical care    Mental illness


Digital books    Only paper books will be left 

There will be less and less paper books existing in Africa. 



3)Sharing economy

My home dreamer

House and car was everything 

That era is over! 

Gig work 

Sharing things and human resources!





Buying. owning・・・

The joys of sharing has expanded! 


The money spent on personal belongings 

will go to the sharing economy 〜


The future prediction is a matter of life and death 


4)More currencies than countries 


It becomes money because everyone believes in its value. 

Currencies will no longer be under the nation's rule 

The age of currency has changed 

The new currencies will take the lead!!



no more prints 

you can see it if you look from the future 


Banks will cease to exist?!


No more accountants or lawyers?!


Changes in political voting system


Moving online?!



Why do workers in the US not try to get a 

job, despite the large number of job availabilities? 


 Generous benefits as corona measures 

Unlike Japan, the USA implemented benefits for all citizens 3 times. 


With corona and its risks, many people quit their companies

and are looking for other work. 

Even before the dangers of corona came up, 

there have been questions about the traditional 

socio-economic systems. 

There are an increasing number of people who aim to earn a certain amount of money while they are young, manage the remainder of their funds so that they can retire early and live doing what they enjoy doing. 

This way of living is called FIRE(Financial Independence, Retire Early)

In recent years, there are more children who live together with their parents. 

If the set up is such that family members help each other, there will be more people who can live with less income, so that will lead to a decrease of workers in the market place. 

Even if there aren't enough workers, the needs for the tasks that need to be done still exist, so there is a high probability that the wages for these jobs will continue to go up in the future. 

Could it be a driving force that causes inflation?! 

Automating tasks?! 

using robots and AI



いまアメリカで「働かない人」が急増している…その「意外すぎる理由」 価値観の転換を迎えた…? (現代ビジネス)ワクチン接種が順調に進む米国において、物価上昇と労働市場の逼迫が顕著となっている。コロナ終息を前にした一時的な現象というのが標準的な解釈だが、必ずしもそうとは言えない部分がある。特リンク


FIRE is・・・






Have you ever heard this?!

How to change your self-image〜〜〜





Perhaps the most easy to understand audio of Professor Hideto Tomabechi?! 


Thank you for today!

It was so fun! 

Sugo Matsukado Bento

Thank you!




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s