Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Think not about what you "have to do", but about what must be done " to achieve your goals"

There are two types of "problem solving" 

The problems related to what is 'right in front of you' 

and the problems related to "achieving goals' 

Which will you prioritize?! 

There is no end to the problems in front of you〜〜〜


Your time will be used up with just dealing with that〜〜〜


So let's go from problem solving to subject solving !!!






do we 

exist ?!


↓↓↓I thought about it↓↓↓


 While chasing our goals 

we change ourselves, 

and we grow 

and by doing so, 

we gin influence, 

and then we are able to 

change society by changing ourselves! 

To bring smiles to the world! 

I want to create such a happy group! 


This gin I received from a friend is amazing!


↓↓↓You can buy it here↓↓↓

YOHAKHU(ヨハク)|クラフトジン 長野県佐久市 芙蓉酒造クラフトジン YOHAKHU|ヨハクは、長野県の壮大な山の恵みと八ヶ岳水系の仕込み水を使用し、創業130年の芙蓉酒造が持つ醸造・蒸留技術により、うみだされました。 リンクwww.yohakhu.jp




Let's learn from Mr. Ikeda's mail magazine〜〜〜



Hit it right on the head〜〜〜ouch!

■ The habit of imagining and writing out these two 

will create the best year yet 

This is the habit I would love for you to build in 2021. 

"Write out your 2021 goals daily 
Every day, visualize those things becoming a reality" 

This simple goal of writing out your goals daily 

will slowly slowly inside of you generate the will that 

"I will make this a reality"

This brings you a sort of a mysterious effect

Before you know it, the time you are spending thinking about your goals 

and "how to make them come true" increases. 

"Maybe I can try that?" 

"Oh, maybe I can try implementing what I'm reading in a book now?" 

"I get it, I can post on SNS like that person!" 

Naturally, the thoughts inside of your head to achieve our goals will increase. 

Most peoples daily lives aren't filled with thoughts of "how to achieve your goals" 

but their thoughts are full of what is happening right in front of them and what needs to be done to deal with that. 

"I don't feel like going to work" "I want to buy those clothes" 

"I need to reply to that person" "Oh, I want to eat that snack" etc. 

While reacting to the things that come up one after the other, 

time passes quickly before you know it. 

In actuality, in a study done in the USA, 

it showed that 80% of people by mid-February 

have forgotten about the goals they set at new year. 

This is not for a lack of consistency, or a lack of motivation, 

but simply that "in your daily life, and in your head, there is no space for changing your goals into a reality" 

In a study researching people with over 30M annual income and their habits, 

it was discovered that most of them "write out their goals daily" 

(※On the otherhand, people with less than an annual income of 30M did noto have a goal, or even if they did, they did not write them down) 

Write out your goals and visualize them coming true.  

For example, even if you write out a goal like "lose 5 kgs" or "double my income" 

In the beginning it may be hard to visualize an image of your goal 

"how will I look if I lose 5 kgs?" 

"How will my life be if my income doubles?" 

That is fine to start with. 

If you can realize that it hasn't become a reality simply because you haven't visualized it, then you've gotten 100 points. 

And if you write out your goals daily 

your image of the goal and the specifics of "how you will be" will become clearer. 

From here let's move a step closer to the essence. 

Ancient and modern, both eastern and western success philosophy

 states that "imagining your goal" is important, 

but there is actually a continuation to this. 

Another thing I want you to imagine is "how that goal will become your reality" 

"How will I go about losing 5 kgs?" 

"Doubling my income....how will that go about happening?" 

It's totally fine if you can't see it at all at first. 

Even great leaders when having a big vision, didn't know the whole process 

of how they were going to make it a reality. 

However, every time they wrote out their goals 

they imagined and visualized 

"How will I get this?" 

"What do I need to do for this to become a reality?" 

"What is in the way of it being realized?" 

"Who should I ask that may know?" 

and as they thought about it, 

the path became clear. 

Just like athletes visualize not only "the moment they are reaching the goal in first place" they also imagine the performance that brought them to first place, 

I want you to think of and visualize 

"Not only your ideal 2021" 

but how you will spend your days in the process. 

Make visualizing that a habit. 

There are many people in the world who never 

even write out their years intentions, have lost their confidence, 

and are almost crushed by anxiety, and are running away from reality, lost in their search for a way to turn things back. 

But for all of you reading this mail magazine, 

there is no need for you to distract yourself with SNS or videos right in front of you. 

You are people who can make the time to think deeply about your life 

(if that weren't the case, you wouldn't read this far) 

Please secure "relaxed time" in your day for yourself, 

and imagine yourself achieving your goals, 

and how you will go out achieving those goals (the process) 

Visualize these two. 

When this becomes a habit in your life 

I promise you you will gain an entirely different life. 

In this year of 2021 with a multitude of big changes, 

I hope to continue to place a priority on delivering useful information to you

as a result of my research in these past 10 years. 

There is always a way, and the future will only get brighter! 

Let us create that future together! 

I hope there are hints for you here. 

Takamasa Ikeda 



Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s 

