Here are some notes I took of an IG live I
was listening to yesterday.
Some of it might not be clear,
but I hope you can get something from it!
↓↓↓To summarize....
Fear is something
to protect us from death
So if it's not something that directly correlates to us dying
it's simply a mental error!
Japan is the latest country on the decline!
So it's a country that is easy to win in !!!
Japan has very few challengers.
There are few people who take risks
So by taking up the challenge, you can win
He tells it like it is!
is what's good about him!
Conversion and Engagement
The number of people who react
How much is your "Level of trust"?!
Your trust balance!
Finding that out is my hobby (lol)
Information with no lies
Is it information you'd like your parents and family to know about too?
Building as much trust as you can!
That will give you a great life!
If you're poor on trust・・・
You won't become wealthy by being a salaryman.
to reach 500 million (10 years of 50M)
500M is just the start
Everything else less than that is an error!!!
That's why I wanted to become wealthy
How to maximize my profits?!
Even if profits are combined with other companies?!
and you own profits are less
it's better if it's better for everyone (more people!)
It'll give you a greater trust balance!
You'll be able to meet more people and
thus be blessed with more choice
Do work based on trust!
People who have luck on their side
Are able to hit a homerun
*Able to show your true potential
'Fear' that is not connected to death" is
simply an emotional "error" (Because fear is a skill created to protect our lives)
As we evolve, the emotions we will lose are.....
"scared" "fear" "frightened"
Being scared about anything that you won't die from,
is just a bug, a malfunction!
Wow that spoke to me.
Jeremy Tsa!!!
Japan is the latest country on the decline!
Art talk was interesting too〜〜〜〜〜〜〜♪
About real estate・・・
Shinagawa Takanawa
Park house Shirogane
went up by 20%! (lol)
In 2.5 years ・・・
be careful!!!
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I think he spoke very honestly〜
That honest stance is powerful.
He's saying things as they are.
Japan has few people who take up the challenge
No risk takers
So by merely taking up the challenge, you can win!
The food is good,
the people are kind
Japan is a wonderful country!
It's easy to win here!!!!!
Conversion and engagement
Buddha keeps on showing up...before I know it===
Thank you! Many beautiful people!
Grateful to everyone in each region.
There is a word called "philosophy management"
It means "managing" through "philosophy" (lol)
It's moving from the Earth style of "management" of "numbers"
to Air style of "management" through "philosophy"
Check out the word "annual management" too!!!
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s