Sunday, January 24, 2021

37 approaches to increase sales!


What is something that is easy for me 

but is stressful for others?! 

What is something that is stressful for me (that I'm not good at)? 

At what times did things go well for me?!



37 approaches to increase sales 




・send DMs

 Really?! Yes! It's important! 

   A package that is impactful! 


・Send FAX DM


・Flyer posting 


・Passing out catalogs/booklets    as α→to β

 "mail order catalog" is good reference 



      Create a script first before starting 

      Start with the benefits of the recipients and

      proceed with the story 

    Use telemarketing too 


・Use SNS(It's free)

 Value empathy 

 Purpose should be for business (not mere self-gratification) 

   Link to blog 


・Utilize blog


 2)List up 

 3)Product sales    recommend word press 


・Mail magazine    People do look at the title 

                          What is important is that you aren't forgotten 

                          The title is most important! 

                       Allow people to unsubscribe 

                         Otherwise it will be a minus advertisement 



・LP(application website) AB script 

   Do test marketing 

   Leave only what gets a good reaction 

        Increase connection and closeness 


・Do a product launch 


・Use affiliates 


・Use distributors 


・PR press release →Make it easy to write an article about it 

  Only one 

       Emphasizes its uniqueness 

 ・Use Sales channels 

 Retail stores, online shopping,  TV shopping, stores, online shops, 

    To companies with members  Pay out a reward! 


 Among your customers 

   What can be monetized is only 5%〜10%

 So you can introduce 90% to other companies 

   Either monetize it or increase your trust balance 


・Create intentional referrals 


・Utilize advisors on the verge of retirement

    Use their wisdom and connections 


・Signboard→Stay in people's memories


・Newsletters   Advertisement fee with other companies 

     Give everything to free 




 ・name cards



・Establish a realiable standing position 

   Establish a industry group 〇〇 promotion committee 

   Launch a media platform (example) Nagano blog 



 Town page 

 Teikoku Data bank 

 Commerce and Industry research 

 Portal site 

   Shopping site 

 Recruitment media /advertisement 

・Use short mail   //LINE is powerful now  


・Additional sales 1+1

 Upsell =There is a product another rank up 

 Downsell=In that case, there is this product that is on half price 

 Cross-sell =If you buy this, we also recommend this 


・Host events and seminars 


・Host online seminars 


・Host exhibitions 




・Become an agent of another person/another company 

   Use another company's product as your back end 


・Famous person/Organization 




STP analysis 

ABC theory →What are the benefits?



Person before buying 



With your service 



What kind of emotion or experience will they have?!→ Verbalize it 


Narrow down your target!!!


Something that 80% of people are concerned about 

that they can't sleep 



Purchasing psychology 


1)Material economy   Selling flour    Dozens of yen  

2)Product economy   Selling cake    Few hundred yen  

3)Service economy    At a cafe        a  thousand yen  

4)Emotion economy   At a hotel fafe    Few thousand yen  


1)Emotional value 

  There were two men 

     with similar academic abilities ・・・and the same conditions 

   However, as they became adults, there was a big difference ・・・





3)Encourage action(Please do 〇〇 immediately!)


*Make people want to read the next line! 


The writing skills of people who sell 10 times more 

Claude Hopkins 

21 Rules of Ad marketing 


People do not read 

People do not believe 

People do not act 



A Attention Action 

  Get people's attention 

I   Interest 








「Don't read」

Present the benefits 


preset the problem 


「Don't believe」

Present qualifications 

Story one can resonate with 

Present solution (product benefit) 

Back up the benefit 

Persuasion/Present offer 


「Don't act」

Clear call to action 

example) call here right away! 


Irresistible offer!


Reasons to purchase

Erase all the reasons why the person may not buy 

Plenty of benefit 

Cheap/New etc... 

Reason why to by now 

What the customer actually wants 














1)What our company provides 


3)It's difference from other companies 




This was the summary from the 3 day seminar 〜〜〜






Even if you only implemented one thing, 

it has the potential to significantly change your business entity! 


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s