Wednesday, October 28, 2020

”Why are people unable to forgive others?”  An addiction to being justice. The benefits to not forgiving



【15 minute summary

Why are people unable to forgive others? 

【Nobuko Nakano・Nero-science】

Addiction to justice


Taking justice into your own hands


Gain pleasure 


Humans are social beings (was a means of survival) 


Humans had 2.5 million years of hunter-gatherer 


Farming only started 10,000 years ago


250 years ago came the industrial revolution 


arrived at now 


99% we were in the era of "hunter-gatherers" 

Society has massively changed 

However, biologically our change has been slow 

Our bodies and brains have not changes much since millions of years ago. 

Humans are social animals 

We are good at  eliminating traitors 

The system to eliminate traitors ・・・


Taking justice into our own hands =Gain pleasure 


It's easy for Japanese to fall into this addiction to justice 


Japanese have an especially strong social bonds 


・Can be considerate to others 

・Easy to fall into this addiction to justice 


Many natural disasters →The country has survived by sticking in groups 

20% of the world's earthquakes over Mg 6 are in Japan 

Countermeasures for addiction to justice 


・Those who can't forgive diverse values →Accept there are people like that too 

・Be rational→ Don't find value in "not forgiving others" 

There aren't very many benefits to "not forgiving others" !!!




Strengthen your brains "prefrontal cortex" =analysis/objective thinking 


Grow from 7 to 30 years old 

After 30 it starts weakening  → Easy to become stubborn!


↓↓↓how to do that?


Have new experiences =Activates the brain 

Choose a different path, different menu, different shop ・・・


Create margin 

Lack of sleep. Human relationships. 

It's better to have an appropriate amount of stress 

When adrenaline is released we can concentrate and take action 

If there his too much it can cause problems →Learn how to release stress


Improve your food and sleep 

Omega3 fatty acids are necessary (from fish, nuts, olive oil) 

Sleep 6-7 hours   Naps are great too (Naps =10-20 time the effect) 




Yesterday  participated in Mr. and Mrs. Nagata's achievement event! 



It was a moment full of happiness for all the team member who attended as well 


It was like a dream・・・



The speech was moving ・・・


This smile is a treasure〜〜〜

It was magical !



Grateful to everyone in each region!

Thank you

Our feelings of excitement 

and feelings to enjoy this present moment 

are what move the future〜〜〜

Going for Instagram〜〜〜〜

I'll also start a channel about 

What is coaching?!

I met Akama-san and her daughter at Roppongi hills today 

They said they were going to watch "Kimetsu no Yaiba 






The collaboration in Futakotamagawa also ended wel! 


The remaining pieces will be sold via 





Thank you! 




Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s