Will you watch it for just 2 minutes?!
【Represent Chikyu】
DJ Shacho
To you who want to quit your job
【Living doing what you love】
『Repezen Earth -DJ Shacho-』
It's 41 minutes long, but its interesting! lol
We are now mid-month, we'e come to the halfway point!
Let's think about our goals this month ♪
What are your goals this month?
Try repeating those goals three times in your heart
If, it was already decided that
you would undoubtedly meet those goals by the end of the month・・・
Try visualizing that now.
Try setting your heart to that.
What is the meaning of achieving that goal?
How is achieving and your life related?
Which part of your truest values react to this?
By achieving your goals, what kind of a future will you gain?
Which of your talents will burst forth?
Once you've experienced those feelings fully ・・・
↓↓↓Please try getting this coaching
What needs to happen how
in order for you to concretely achieve this months goals?
Whose help do you need?
If you could achieve it with the least amount of effort,
what do you think is needed?
If you could achieve without trying so hard
what values do you need to place importance on?
So much to learn from Toshitaka Mochizuki's mail magazine〜〜〜
■ People side with those who "listened to them"
"Acquired a Master's Degree from Yale and Stanford University"
If this was in a person's resume,
what would you think?
If it was the right field,
you would probably think
they would be in great demand.
Kurt was truly that type of man.
After getting his Masters Degree,
He lived 2 years as a fellow (researcher)
and then started job hunting.
The reason for this was his
lover's pregnancy.
Out of the 38 companies he applied for,
he failed all of them!
So he stopped applying for jobs.
But neither did he start his own business.
What was this surprising
"opposite" interview method he took?
This is recommended to everyone who
want to grab the chance before you.
▽To see the rest
And 6 companies said,
"Please come work with us"
People want to help those who "listened to them"
Fudo Myo Mantra 2
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s