Friday, August 14, 2020

Remind yourself once again〜〜〜♪


Let's create 7 streams of income!

"7 pocket" facebook group!!!

↓↓↓You can join it here↓↓↓


Let’s create 7 pockets of income!




"People rarely succeed 

unless they have fun in what they are doing." 

(Dale Carnegie) 

  • From Mr. Noda's mail magazine・・・


If you don't like what you do, its hard to become fully engrossed in it. 

What's important isn't "effort" but becoming "fully engrossed." 

Invite yourself into a world of full immersion! 

1) What are you doing when you find yourself lost in time in your own world? 

2) What are you good at? 

3) What is something you would like to do for others, even if it was for free? 

4) When is it that time flies and you realize "Oh! 2 hours has gone by already"? 



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Thank you for your monthly report!





Motivation Switch! Expert Coach training 

Monthly support July 


"THEME "How can you create your life as you want it?!" 



Human consciousness="MAGNET" 

What you think about is what you attract 

Things coming to pass before you know it 

"Observing" your ow thoughts is what is important!!! (Meta cognition) 


・Do a live broadcast

・A Jonetsu Tairiku (TV program on Passionate people) yourself 


1)When do you....


"Lose yourself in your own world" ="Full immersion"    "Full immersion" ="Flow state" 

When your abilities and talents shine brightest. 


2)Anything else?! It can be more than one thing. 


3) Combine 

"What you want to do now" 

 "What you have to do now" 


 4) If you could make a living doing just this, what would you do? 

   What are the ways in which you could do so? 



5) Increase the time each day you spend in this "full immersion" 



⇒If you become attached, it becomes harder to become fully immersed 

⇒Staying in a state of "feeling good" is important. Why? 

Because "Human consciousness" =Magnet 

When you feel good, you attract good things 

6)At what times do you feel good? 

・When do you feel good? 

・When do you feel bad? 


Q   Does effort pay off? 

A  As long as you feel like its effort, it's not good. 

Moving to the future ・・・ 

It may look like effort to others. 

But it's not effort for that person・・・

In such cases, there may be cases where that effort pays off. 

This is when you get in a state of FLOW! (of full immersion) 


*Parts of the keywords↓↓
There is meaning in someone needing you 

I can be proud of my failures. 

There is no attraction to someone who isn't also failing ・・・ 

Don't get stuck on "success" but get stuck on "growth"! 

Growth will never betray you. If you put in effort, you will 100% grow. 

There is success on the other side of growth. 

I'm confidence in the number of my failures. 

That's what I am in proud of in life. 


You are in this body, and living this life. 

Ignore the opinions of those around you 

And continue to create your own "crazy dream" 

The theme is "full immersion!" 


"Human consciousness" ="Magnet" 

Let's stay in a good feeling and be fully immersed! 

When you are lost in your own world, fully immersed, you are shining brightest! 

Can you create a "Trying hard" ="Fully immersed" team? 


A leader is "a person who enjoys that work the most" 

Someone who is enjoying life =is in a state of flow 

The biggest risk of a leader is not being excited! 

Not excited× Not in flow

Excitement is contagious! 



”Human consciousness”= ”Magnet"


Your organization is a "mirror" of you 

"Romance seminar"

Why do you like someone? 

We fall in love with the reflection of yourself the other person shows. 

How are you reflecting those in your group? 

If the person reflected in your mirror a wonderful person? 




"What do you desire?"

Reflection of today・・・ 


How do you want this month to be for you?!


"Human consciousness" ="Magnet"


Before we know it what you think about will come true

"Guarding" our own "consciousness" is important! Meta-cognition...

"Trying hard" ="Full immersion" 


Can you create that sort of group that is fully immersed?! 


You are a magnet man (lol) 

Let's create "crazy dreams", and ignore the opinions of others 

A leaders is someone who enjoys their job the most! 


You are a mirror! 
Excitement is contagious! 

Let's create an army of the fully immersed! 





Yesterday I had an IG live with Patrick and Rejoice! It was fun♪


Thank you!





Takumi Yamazaki AW news→


Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s