The essence of GIVE & TAKE!!!
Givers =GIVER Low productivity
Takers =TAKER
3 types of humans
GIVER I'll do something for others 25%
TAKER I'll have others do something for me 20%
MATCHER Creates balance 55%
The 3 types vary depending on different situations
Those who are productive and successful are・・・
1st place MATCHERS are first place?!→Giver (The type that aren't exploited)
2nd place TAKERS succeed in the short term but stumble later on when others take revenge
3rd place GIVER( Those who accept everything that's asked of them/ exploited)
Exploited GIVER (Self-sacrificing giver/Nobody benefits!)
Non-exploited GIVER (WIN WIN relationship)
Does your 10 and
the other person's 10 create 30 or 40?!
If that's the case, you can continue to give!!!
Who you give to?! is what is important!
Run away from TAKERs〜〜〜
They do much harm and no good!!!
How to distinguish takers
Tell me 4 people who changed your life
Tough on taxi drivers and shop staff
Thank you for the "LINE video" !
Thank you for this Fuku Selection!
This time it's from "SUGOI! Way of Learning" 〜〜〜
I love learning!
I shared all the details in this book of how I learn
If learning is a struggle for you,
then it won't benefit you and it's no fun〜〜〜
If I say,
I'm researching 〇〇!
and start the research,
tons of information comes in smoothly,
it gathers to me and penetrates your brain〜〜〜
"Humans should continue learning for a lifetime.
Humans curiosity and the joy in knowing."
This is one of the words I love.
What is important is "the right way of learning!"
This book will not teach you about study, but about how to learn.
Today's excerpts are from this book, the title tells everything
"SUGOI! Way of Learning!"
【SUGOI!Way of Learning】(excerpt from p:121)
"We learn in order to take away anxieties from our lives.
By learning, we can learn from the experiences or advice of those that can before us and are freed from anxiety.
We learn to be set free.
I think this is one of the essences of "learning."
By learning, humans can gain knowledge, and that eventually becomes wisdom.
"Do the things that you can.
And accept the things you cannot change."
The wisdom to "know the difference between what can be done and what cannot"
is important.
We learn in order to gain that wisdom."
The message I picked up from this page.
Focusing our consciousness on what we can control, and not on the things we cannot control.
There is no point in thinking about the things that we cannot control, and often they are unrelated to us.
This is what I learned recently, and this page I excerpted helped to deepen that learning.
Often I find myself worrying about what i cannot control,
or the things that I can't do.
(About the past or about other people. )
Instead of that, what's more important is placing my consciousness on what I can control,
and becoming fully immersed in that.
Then if that fails, all I need to do is the best I can do then!
It's a simple repetition of this process.
Being able to differentiate between these things make my heart immediately lighter‼️
That took away one of my anxieties.
As written in the book, one of the enjoyable points of learning is that it takes away our anxiety.
I imagine that when Takumi-san starts something new too, he too has many worries.
And instead of trying to erase those worries,
he breaks down each of them, and works on erasing them one by one.
That's what has freed him from troubles and anxieties.
(Otherwise, I don't think he could write this book)
"SUGOI! Way of learning" teaches from many angles about the importance of learning, and how to enjoy learning.
Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s