Wednesday, August 19, 2020

"Q&Q" Not Q&A but answering a question with another question!

 I did a seminar yesterday for my team〜〜〜

A big thank you to the almost 400 people who participated. 



I was making the material for that the other day and 

Fujimoto-kun had a look at it. 

He said, "This is material for a high-priced seminar" 

yay! Happy to hear that!!!! 


The part of the tree that you can see・・・Strategy 

The root pαrt of the tree that you can't see ・・・Psychology 



He taught me that the WHY?! 

is so important. 

Why are you doing that? 

What will you gain from achieving it? 



Why is it?!


 The deeper you go, the more you get motivated!!!



When you try to take action, then the blocks come!!! 

How to get rid of them?! 





Maybe watching this first is better〜〜〜♪





So interesting!! (lol) 

See, see ・・・



The top 20% of your TO DO's 

create the other 80% !!!


Massive action!!!



・・・Maybe I'll try doing the full scale overnight seminar online 〜〜〜〜〜〜




What is important?!




Not questions and answer, but

Question and Question (lol) !!!


Answering your question 

with another question! 


Embarrassed about standing in front of a crowd・・・


Instead of giving the answer like "That's because 〇〇〇〇"・・・


Asking in return, "Why do you think you feel resistance to "standing in front of a crowd?" 

The other person is 100% the star and you are on the sidelines!! 


Clearing the blocks through "a light bulb" is easy 〜〜〜




I thought Take couldn't join us but ・・・

We went all the way till lunch time (lol)

Koshien children...their eyes have a different spark! 

Curry is the food of Heaven!




Takumi Yamazaki AW news→

For the recipe, see here・・・












Link to Takumi Yamazaki’s