Thursday, July 16, 2020

See the world as it is!!! As fresh as if you're seeing it for the first time →It will also change the way you see yourself!

Yesterday I went to "SG CLUB" 
and had a blissful time there (lol) 

Thank you so much!
The cocktail pairings were delicious 〜♪

I got quite drunk and fell asleep (lol) 
I hadn't drank alcohol in 2 days so it was effective (lol) 

There's this too〜♪

【This will change your life】
Sugoi! Way of earning
vol .7 Takumi Yamazaki 〈Business College〉


This music from morning is refreshing!


A fashionable bar that Kenji Kohashi is creating・・・
Non-alcoholic bar 

Opening day: July 16th 2020 (Thursday)
Opening hours:10:00〜22:00
Address :ANB Tokyo 1F 5-2-4  Roppongi Minato-ku Tokyo 


About Ultimate Happiness・・・

Overcoming the ego

"Anxiety will disappear"
"Consciousness changes"
"Can feel your true self" 

1)If you paste words on it you cannot see the truth 

"Pasting" "words" →Giving it meaning (it's just a label)
Words can only express the things on a "shallow and surface level"

didn't not perceive it as simply an "old chair"
but he "felt its existence" →He tasted it

See the world as it is!!!
See it fresh as if you're seeing it for the first time
It will change the way you see yourself too

Reset your
Words and labels
Experience and feel yourself just as you are

By separating yourself from your thoughts,
you will have inner realization

Separate yourself

I am 〇〇.  (Not the essence=Illusion)

It's much more deeper, beautiful and universal
Feel yourself just as you are
What is on the other side of the limits of your words and thoughts

2)The mental chatter 

Those who have mental chatter in their head ・・・
We all have it. It's no different.
It's talking all day long.
We cannot stop our automatic thoughts.
We think we can control inside our mind, but even our thoughts are actually controlled.

Just recognize it!
Separating yourself from your automatic thoughts
The "path to enlightenment" comes through separating from that chatter.

Your thoughts and your emotions are not you
You are the one observing your thoughts and emotions.
An existence from the 3rd party point of view that is "laughing"

You can then observe your ego. 

3)Ego's true identity

"Ego" attaches to "things" to try to strengthen your identity.

I am  〇〇→ This creates EGO!!!

My car.
My house
My clothes
We all are purchasing what strengthens our identity (it doesn't last long)
We purchase it to strengthen our belief of who you are!

Because we have low self-esteem,
we try to fill it with something from the outside.
We continue to consume.

It starts from feeling like we are lacking something.

Me that has a free lifestyle
Me that works at a leading company.
Me that is  a smooth talker
We all try to fill our identities and fulfill them.

It is self-esteem attached to things.
We think it is you that has something.

We get attached to those things, especially when we almost lose it.
We think that the Things =you  
This creates much suffering.
This is an illusion that the ego has created. 

It is your own self-image that your words and thoughts have created
It's a world that is one-millionth of reality
The true you is not anything or anyone! 

4)Laugh off your ego 

When you almost lose something important to you
It's a good chance to think about your true essence.
The "you that exists" that is deep inside has not changed.
It's important to feel "I am" ・・・
Words cannot express everything.

The mind only strengthens the ego.
Ego is created by thought.
If you can feel your existence
you can get out of the illusion.
You can realize that it has nothing to do with your true self.

When you are on the brink of death
you will realize that the external things had nothing to do with your true essence.
You cannot take any of it with you
and you realize how ridiculous the concept of ownership is.

Who am I ?!
You won't find it if you look for it on the outside (it is not in the world of thoughts or words)
Attachment =EGO
Ego is an illusion.

Even if you lose something important to you, you ARE

Observe your ego. That's where overcoming it begins.
Find your ego →Laugh
Realize, oh, its doing something. and smile
It's important to laugh at your ego
Laugh at your ego running off wildly, doing its thing

Getting down   laugh about it!
The ego is not you
Just observe it and laugh! 

