Thursday, July 16, 2020

2 important things "observe" your thoughts, feel "yourself as consciousness" and....

NIRVANA is ・・・

a transcendent state in which there is neither suffering, desire, nor sense of self, and the subject is released from the effects of karma and the cycle of death and rebirth. It represents the final goal of Buddhism.


Eckhart Tolle

Change of consciousness

"Living, here and now" 

1)The reason why desires are born 

Desire is・・・
actions one take to
try to fulfill deep rooted dissatisfaction and lack of fulfillment
or low self-esteem
It gains a sense of security from identifying oneself with what they own
such as income, titles, abilities etc.
and is to strengthen ones identity

Ego is what  clarifies your separation from another
and is a fiction that is tailored to make your believe you are a special being

Ego starts from self-esteem! This is where desire is born!
It's an addictive desire!

Thoughts=Realize that they are not you

Want to do something?!→ Place your consciousness not on the "thought" その「思い」ではなく
         → but on "how your body feels"!

Listen to your body!
You don't actually need it.

What you are thinking about it not actually you.

2)The mistake of Descartes and the realization of  Sartre

The way of thinking of Descartes is
that our thoughts our ourselves.
"I think, therefore I am" Thoughts =me

Even now, 400 years later it's still thought to be true.

The way of thinking of Sartre
He discovered the "observing self" that observes the me who thinks "I think, therefore I am"
When he realized he could observe himself thinking,
he realized that thoughts are separate from self.

3)The only way to let go of the ego

"The me who thinks" ≠"The true me"

Recognize your ego!
Your ego and realizing it, being aware of it cannot co-exist.

Realize=you are now, in this moment

Feel the "existence" of your "Inner body"

You will realize that "life force" "the feeling of aliveness" was "always there"
and you'll remember that "I am also a god"

Feel the life force of your body!
Feel the feeling of being alive.

Feel your own thoughts as a third party.

"Being in the now"・・・
You will be happy, with no war or suffering.
Let go of the ego and enter into enlightenment.

It is not past or future
but exists in this now moment.

"Here and now" to "here and now"
Babies only exist in this moment.

4)Awakening means here and now 

A spiritual awakening means
understanding that you are not your thoughts.

Your thoughts are like "complete strangers" separate from you
that you picked up somewhere

Your thoughts and emotions are "uncertain"
Everything on the outside, you can let go without being attached.
Because it is on the outside

What always is, without change is =SELF
You are "the consciousness that is observing" everything

"Selflessness" is letting go of the attachment to "self"
To achieve self-realization without being tossed about by the ego
An observing consciousness・・・The real me

Not a thinking me
but me as an consciousness

Things that are absolutes start lessening!
You become invincible
Anxiety leaves
You will be able to act
and the utter seriousness fades

This is okay as it is〜
You are able to let go and accept
You have a trust in everything

What is important is these 2 
・"Observing" your thoughts, and feel "yourself as consciousness" 
・Feel  the "life force" with your whole body of "here and now" 


【Body Scan Meditation】

Lie down facing upward and close your eyes
From the tip of your left foot to the base of your foot
From the tip of your right foot ...
From your pelvis and back, stomach, chest ・・・
From the tips of both hands to your neck, and face・・・
From the top of your head let out like a whale fountain
Breathe in and breathe out
Breathe in and breathe out
Become an invisible man ・・・
Just the air is flowing freely

Stay quiet and still
And once you feel it, move.

When you feel like you can'T do it・・・

"I can't do it!" is the message.
Just observe yourself having a hard time focusing.
No need to judge on whether its good or bad.

When there is too much mental chatter and you can't focus
You are moving up.

When you feel nothing
just observe yourself feeling nothing.

Even when there is pain,
continue on with it

Observe that you can't focus.

Rather than see
Pain =yourself

See it as a 3rd person
Don't set a purpose!

You don't meditate for such and such a purpose ×
That is a purpose in itself

Becoming one with the universe?! 
Experiencing that you are living, here and now!


It's Bar "0"! 


Grateful to everyone in this region!