Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Being excited! Being fully immersed! As you do that you'll get to where you ought

There's so much to learn from here〜

Leave it to your "higher mind" and "synchronicity" 

Being excited!
Getting fully immersed!
As you do that, you will get to where you ought・・・


【If you do 〇〇 what you say will be conveyed 】
SUGOI! Way of talking   vol .1 Takumi Yamazaki  〈Business College〉

Please check it out!

AIMYON  song and talk TOUR 2020 
“Wind and ribbon” 
supported by Tanrei Green Ribbon

YouTube song and talk live decided!

Penalties tighten from 30th, beginning with the death of the two people on Tomei



Measures against novel Corona Virus, most important to track contact with infected persons  =WHO executive director


Points out that  "The large majority of people still have a chance to become infected, and there is still a large room for the virus to move"

"While we all wish for the end of corona infections, the tough reality is that we are not even nearing the end of it. Many countries have achieved certain results, but current reality is that the pandemic is still picking up speed."

【Stupid people only think about the weekend】
Ignorance is the greatest sin!"Becoming wealthy was inevitable"
