Sunday, June 28, 2020

Leave it to your "higher mind" and "synchronicity"

Here is the summary of yesterday's session with Bashar.


Passion (excitement) is most important.
`What do you want to do? 

Make a "choice" that is representative of that expression!!!

A challenge is not to
change the "world" 
but to change "yourself" 
Doing that will "change the world" !

Be yourself!!!

The formula
1)Choose what excites you most 
2)Do that to the max   Until excitement leaves you 
3)Don't assume the results 
4)Always stay positive. There is meaning to everything!

Know your own beliefs!
What have you believed or trusted without even realizing?!
Example)I'm a shy person

Have passion and live with excitement!
Live as your true self.
Then your original energy will return 

Thoughts that come from "fear"
What kind of "fear" do you have?!

What are others doing?
What are other successful people doing?
Use that as reference.

If you don't like it, 
there is no need to continue believing it 

If you can't let it go, you have "other beliefs" 

What you believe in is what will happen!
So support what excites you!
Follow your passion! Choose it!
That means you can do it!

You must first understand that every moment, you are a new you!!!

Is your past creating your present?!
Your present reality is creating your past.

Let go of self-criticism!!!
The time to let go of "fear" has come!

Everything that is connected to you,
it all has meaning.

There is actually no past!
There is only what is in a different dimension.
It feels like the past ・・・Time is an illusion

The past and the future all exist in the "now"

So just focus on doing the formula!!!! 

In answer to,
why we have to support those we don't want to?!
"Why is that person in your team?!"

Release your "preconceptions" 
Work with people who inspire and excite you! 

If Anger shows up
Go back to the formula!(lol)

1)Choose what excites you most 
2)Do that to the max   Until excitement leaves you 
3)Don't assume the results 

4)Always stay positive. There is meaning to everything!

Don't have expectations
(=not getting attached to results )
Don't focus on the results 

 Leave things as it is happening 

"Unpleasant things" →"It's because of it that there are good things!"

If "ー" happens then something even better will happen! 

Leave it to your "higher mind" and to "synchronicity" (lol) 

If such happens 
then such and such might happen?! and just enjoy it! 
Leave things as they are happening! 

If you are yourself,
you will connect with someone !!!


What you believe
that comes from a place of fear 
is deep in your heart

However, humans can become different people billions of times in one second.

So change is easy 

Each and every moment, people are changing 
But we think we are the same person. 
Be what you prefer= It's simple 

Changing is hard →   That's also a belief (preconception) 

There is no time that is not changing 

is happening in order for us to learn! (lol) 

Having quiet time・・・
What do you like?!
Make time for you to spend with you・・・

You'll realize that online connections are amazing!!!

Follow the formula !!!→ Perfect!

Love excitement and passion!
Stay centered 

You are actually expanded consciousness (so so big!)

Must focus 
That's why 
↓↓↓We focus to forget that "everything is happening at the same time"
(=To instill concepts of Present, Past, Future)

From the soul's perspective!!!!

From where you actually are now,

you can see both the future, and the present as well as the past! 



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