Monday, April 27, 2020

Yesterday's webinar of "up to 3000 people" overloaded before it started!

What Ichiro said when asked,
"Is effort rewarded?!"

being in a state that you believe you're putting in effort isn't great. 

It may seem like effort in others eyes
but it shouldn't be effort for you. 

Sometimes its rewarded of its own accord. 

I'll have a open lesson from Takumi Yamazaki from 11 today! 

We're doing this collaboration too! (lol) 

Super Yamazaki Academy's one day seminar, 
the 3000 people filled up instantaneously! 

We did a recording of the zoom again on zoom, but even so, 
100 more people filled up right away! 

Thanks to all the incredible members! 

Thank you! 

It's Takato Fukushima 

We don't know how much longer this situation of refraining from going out as much as possible will continue. 
I had an interesting discovery. 

It's related to  Newton. 

When Newton discovered the Law of Gravity, in 1666, it was during the time when the pest was going around, and Universities closed for 18 months. 

Newton discovered the Law of Gravity during that time. 
Furthermore, that Newton had called the time of "School break" a "Creative Break" ! 

Of course, I won't go so far as Newton・・・

We don't know when this situation will end. 

Which is easier, to change our "reality" or our "feelings" about it? 

I picked up a few hints on this from the book "The worlds kindest success rulebook" 

Here is the Fukushima Select

【The world'd kindest success rulebook】
(p138: excerpted from "how to clear up your heart") 

Which can you change easier, your "reality" or your "feelings"?

Of course, it's your "feelings". It takes time and effort to change reality. 
There are times when it cannot be changed as well. 

But changing your feelings about that is something that you can do right this moment.
And if your feelings change, then the reality you see will also change. 

In other words, when you don't feel so great, and you want to change the reality in front of you, 
all you need to do is to change your feelings about it." 

The message I picked up from this page
"When something unpleasant happens,
it's not the unpleasant happening,
but the emotions that come up for you that are unpleasant."

For example, there is no such thing as "unpleasant rain".
For the farmers or for those who are in areas of drought,
rain can also be "the rain of grace"

As written in the above page, there may be some realities that we cannot change,
but there are no emotions that we cannot change.

When I read this phrase,
I realized that that's why
"I often refresh my feelings." ✨

Reality may not change right away, but emotions can be changed immediately.
I knew about this, even though it was subconscious.

Even though you cannot always change the "facts" (circumstances of what happens)
you can always change your "interpretation" of it (the meaning you give it)

And then that combination of "facts" and "interpretation" is what creates "reality"
This is what Takumi has taught me countless times.

To be able to interpret well, you need to be in a good feeling state.
How can we do that?

In this book,  "The worlds kindest success rulebook"
the next section is about "how to control your emotions!"

There are methods in there that I often use.

Please try it out for yourself.